Recent content by Harry938

  1. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    The pump has a sponge filter that I clean daily and change weekly with some sponge I’ve found that fits from fish tank filter, clean all removable weekly with reptile safe disinfectant and through rinsing. I’ll take it out if it forces him to drink off leaves, how long is “safe” for him to have...
  2. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    No nothing else has d3 from what I can see, I’ll go down to every other week with the vit-A-Min I think he’s only had it twice since I’ve bought it anyway. I cannot find a repashy that says for chams just the bannna one. I’m glad the sheds normal I just didn’t know if so soon was a worry. One...
  3. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    He finished his shed about 4 days ago and just noticed today he’s seems to be shedding again? Is that normal
  4. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    What I feed the locust, along with the recommended greens on your photos on the forum. Silk worms get the mulberry mulch stuff, but usually just buy a box a time as as pet shop is on way home from work. This I was told once weekly but if giving D3 make sure other end of the week, eg: this...
  5. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    Thank you for replying, that’s my bad I know not to use the red light I’d just finished putting everything in his Viv so turned it on for 5 mins to boost heating as it had got abit cold (like 16 near substrate), the uvb bulb is at the top above the door, currently, I’m planning to cut half the...
  6. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    Here is what I’ve done to make his cage batter real plants lots of cover lots of branches and places to explore, I’ve kept his fountain plant as he seems to only drink from that he got dehydrated when I took it away, I hope this is better
  7. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    Ok I’ll leave him to it, so would him sitting up there and skin looking how it does both indicate he is about to shed?
  8. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    Day 2, still the same, also is he looking like he’s about to shed on his head with the colour and appearance, it’s been like that maybe 2 days, he gets misted when the plants do as read to gently mist to aid shedding
  9. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    Okay good, just seems to want to stay on the top branch and be dull since I turned the temp down the other day
  10. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    He’s been sat here doing this for a while now is that concerning?
  11. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    Hi guys so just giving a little update so far, I’ve got rid of the old “non descript” calcium and bought this, I assume this is okay? There is nothing added to it. He now has 3 live plants, I will keep updating with live ones but for now the plastic ones are staying and will be swapped...
  12. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    Also this is the vit I have, no good then?
  13. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    Ok so so far we’ve got rid of the dropper plant, i have bought one real plant as that’s all I could find atm, I’ve left the fake ones in atm till I get some more real ones for coverage, as don’t want him to feel exposed, dropper tube now dripping onto that, does anyone know how much repti safe...
  14. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    Okay thanks guys, a lot to take on board, give me a week or so and I’ll hopefully have a more chameleon friendly vivarium
  15. Harry938

    Is this set up right for a Yemen chameleon?

    I feel that the best thing I could do is once I have him higher drill a hole in bottom and make a false floor so water can drain under substrate and thru the hole into a collection bowel. Would that be advisable?
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