Chameleon Cage Checklist


Chameleon Enthusiast
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I have updated the checklist I use when I evaluate chameleon cages. I call it the Forest Edge 5+5 (updated from 2020's 4+4!). This is a memory device that covers the general cage concept, 5 important gradients over space and time, and 5 branch functions. And by checking off these 11 elements you can do a pretty good job covering the important aspects of a chameleon cage.
I have a daily YouTube VLog on week days where I do cage reviews and so you can see me use this system. This system is useful for your own cage but also if you want to be helping others with their cage set-up.
This video is the first in a series on chameleon husbandry fundamentals which will launch every Monday at 5AM Pacific (if anyone wants to join in the live chat for the first showing). On Tuesday I have an episode about the chameleon community which is often a cage review (as tomorrow will be) that will demonstrate using the Forest Edge 5+5 in a real application. Wednesday is the DIY Chameleon Guys with James Cross (@crosscutts ), Thursday is chameleon product day, and Friday is whatever I am feeling like that week! But, here is the link to the first episode of the Chameleon Fundamentals series.
Let me know if you have any questions!

Fun fact: The two most common items on the Forest Edge 5+5 checklist that are most often missed.are
1) The Security/Exposure Gradient. A chameleon cage can be heavily planted, but if those plants are all along the sides and back they just frame the chameleon. It looks lush, but to check off the security gradient box your chameleon needs foliage it can hide in. It is very easy for us to look at a lushly planted cage and think it is beautiful. Well, it is! It just isn't functional for the chameleon.

2) The UVB basking branch. A trap people can fall into is putting a UVB light on top of a chameleon cage without a sense as to where the effective range is. This is a tricky part of chameleon husbandry and it takes experience to help out with this one - or an expensive Solarmeter 6.5 to get it right!
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