The Philosophy of Gutloading
5. Insects and the work they do
As I said previously, I was under the impression that though chameleons can’t digest many of the gutload ingredients we use, they can certainly access the nutrients of these ingredients via the gut contents of our feeder insects. In...
The Philosophy of Gutloading
I would like to thank Anthony Herrel and Walter Tapondjou for their helpful advice on where to look for relevant papers.
1. Introduction
Recently, it was suggested to me that our current gutloading practices might be wrong-headed. In particular, I...
The Current StAte
A blog entry about vitamin A is a tough one for several reasons. First, the literature is heavy on the chemistry and biology, and I am neither a chemist, nor a biologist (nor a scientist of any kind). Second, because vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, stored mainly in the...
Overarching question: Why do some chameleons eat plants?
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Are all/some chameleons omnivores?
What exactly makes an animal an omnivore?
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