Food and supplement diary - repashy experiment -October 2011

One of my male panthers is being supplemented differently from all the others. With this one male, I am using the Repashy all in one supplement alternating with a mix of StickyTongues Miner-al-O plus Rep-Cal plain calicum. This is instead of the supplementation routine I normally use (see other food diary entries for details). Additionally, the dubia and sometimes the crickets and a few grasshoppers that this one male eats will have been gutloaded with Bug Burger. Other feeders will be as per my normal.

This is the first of about 6 months where this animal is being treated differently. The hope is that after 6 months I will feel comfortable recommended the Repashy products whole heartedly :) and that I will have found a decent "short cut" for gutloading, and maybe my animals will benefit too :)

See this blog entry for background info:

[C] = a rough 50-50 mix of StickyTongues Miner-al-O plus Rep-Cal plain calicum
[R] =Repashy supplement
[BB] = Bug Burger gutloaded

1 - 2 crickets[C], 2 butterworms
2 - 2 crickets [R] [BB]
3 - 1 butterworm, 1 superworm
4 - 1 dubia [BB]
5 - 2 mealworms [R], 1 superworm
6 - nadda
7 - 1 indian walking stick phasmid
8 - 1 super, 1 dubia [R] [BB]
9 - 5 large wc grasshoppers
10 - 3 large wc grasshoppers [BB], 3 crickets [C] [BB]
11 - 3 crickets [R]
12 - 1 hisser nymph
13 - 2 mealworms [R]
14 - nothing
15 - 3 terrestrial isopods, 1 large silkworm
16 - 2 superworms, 3 dubia nymph [R] [BB]
17 - nothing
18 - 2 butters
19- 1 stick bug
20 - 2 dubia [R] [BB]
21 - nothing
22 - 3 crickets [R]
23 - 2 butterworms, 2 dubia [BB]
24 - nothing
25 - 3 mealworms, 1 butterworm
26 - 2 terrestrial isopods, 1 hisser nymph [R]
27 - 3 butterworms
28 - 1 stickbug, 1 dubia [C], 2 dubia [R]
29 - 1 large chinese praying mantis, 1 cricket [R]
Oct 30 - 1 superworm, 1 cricket [R]
Oct 31 - 2 turkish roach

If you find this blog entry interesting, tell me so I know to keep logging the info.

Do you use the Repashy products? If so, Id be interested in what you think about them.

Other comments welcome too of course


I just purchased some bug burger and hope to start testing it with my insects. I'm also going to get the Rapashy all in one supplement. So I'm interested in anything you have to say about their products!
Olimpia;bt988 said:
I just purchased some bug burger and hope to start testing it with my insects. I'm also going to get the Rapashy all in one supplement. So I'm interested in anything you have to say about their products!

So far so good for me - but its early days.
My initial impression of the bug burger was that a geletine substance does not seem / feel healthy or natural compared to "real" food. But, I know that's just an emotional response. Its actually accepted by roaches and crickets reasonably well, better if room temp than if from the fridge.

The supplement "sticks" well. The chameleon in the repashy experiment hasnt shown any sign of disliking the bug burger gutloaded roaches or the supplement dust.

I'll be interested to hear what you think of it too.
my experiance with repashy is by far one of, if not, the best of the commercial gutloading products, but i find for both dry and wet gutloads, creating them yourself, you will not only save money, but your able to give more nutrition too
I have recently started using the Repashy supplement as well as the bug burger. I also use cricket crack and some (but less since I started using bug burger) fruit and veggies. So far everyone is doing very well. A couple of my chameleons who were fussy about supplements now gobble up everything. Our two CH flapnecks were having tongue issues - not shooting far and not great aim and I am seeing much improvement on those issues.

I am looking forward to seeing your results.
sandra thanks so much for this log, im excited to see results
and the pro's of repashy :)
and if there are any, the con's of it as well
I curently use cal plus as was recommended by the breeder hes used for years and all he uses. I worried about my gut loading I do give fruit and vegetable but id like to use a premade mix to be sure they get enough variety, I feed my panther on hoppers, silks, and resently some superworms and his new fave dubia roches, and the ocational wax (swaped meals for supers now hes bigger) would bug burger be best or do you sugest somthing else? (I know not for the silks) :)
JosieJobo;bt2201 said:
I curently use cal plus as was recommended by the breeder hes used for years and all he uses. I worried about my gut loading I do give fruit and vegetable but id like to use a premade mix to be sure they get enough variety, I feed my panther on hoppers, silks, and resently some superworms and his new fave dubia roches, and the ocational wax (swaped meals for supers now hes bigger) would bug burger be best or do you sugest somthing else? (I know not for the silks) :)

I have been using the Repashy Calcium Plus (original strength) about once up to twice a week mixed 50-50 with Mineral-O by sticky tongue farms. The rest of the time just the Mineral-O, if anything was needed at all. I felt this was sufficient /better given I use a mix of prey and gutloads.

I prefer a good mix of fresh produce and such for gutload, rather than commercial products. But the bug burger is okay stuff if you want to include that in your routine.

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