I'm done!

Well kinda done.:) My water closet :D is done for now until I get a controller to time my waterings. Right now I have the water connected through my sprinkler controller but it's not going to give me the flexibility I want.



I have two lines of misters with 6 heads on each line. During normal temperature days I plan to just use one line and on hot days I'll use both lines with 12 misters total. I also installed a drip only line that has 4 stations and the drip stations are controlled by needle valves to get the drip just right.



I used a little S hook to attach the drip line to the screen which allows me to move it around easily.


In the box you can see I have a couple extra ball valves, these are for another group of cages. The lines will go through one of the grey conduits which goes under my DG pathway and comes up below where those cages will be.


I still need to put branches in the GOC and I think I'll put a layer of organic soil down on the ground.



Looks great. If you have got access to them I would recommend English Walnut branches . My Parsonii seems to prefer them to others and they start rotting out after 6 months. Which is about the perfect time to replace them as it give a the chameleons a new highway to walk which my Parsonii seem to positively respond to.

I'm still awaiting pictures of the GOC with everybody in their new home.
It looks awesome Craig! You did a great job. Your chams are going to love it!
Thanks Jann. I had them all in there yesterday and they were indeed loving it. I have quite a few branches in there but I can tell I need a bunch more. When one of the girls in on a branch and another come along it poses quite a dilemma.:) I can see I need escape routes galore.
Looks great. Wish I could house mine outdoors like that. Multiple branches and choices sounds like a smart plan if you're housing multiple animals in there. You could make some "vines" out of coated (in nice green and brown) electrical wire that might be easier to attach and put in specific "escape routes" :)
I am just in awe of this set up!! Everything about it is just top notch. Ever since you first posted pictures of it I have been dreaming how I could do something similar...I just think AZ is too extreme :( Time to move...for the Chams :D
Hey thanks a lot. I added a bunch more branches today. All my little palms are getting new leaves and the Chameleons seem to love it!
Impressive set up.

Since you already spent the big bucks on that, have you considered just buying a huge roll of the bendable artificial "vines" I see stores selling? I have about 6' of it in various cages and to date it's easy to work with. My chams have had no issues with their feet in using it and cleaning it is not a huge issue.
it looks so good......my enclosure is going up this weekend and then i'll start getting the lines for the water and rope lighting, but my chams will still be in their LLL cages which will be hung inside. i'm getting them outdoors for the 8 months or so that i can, but my enclosure is actually more of a safety barrier against all of the raccoons/opossums/cats/hawks/herons/etc. that would love to snack on my scaly little family.
That sounds good. I'm still waiting for my solenoid valves and I have to get power out there. The wire is over $200 :eek:

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