Maybe you shouldnt have a chameleon

If the idea of touching bugs makes you even a little uneasy - A Chameleon Isnt For You

If you want a pet that you can hold and play with - A Chameleon Isnt For You

If your chameleon research was done at a pet store - A Chameleon Isnt Yet For You

If you think youre going to make money breeding - A Chameleon Isnt For You

If youre the type to ask for advice, then ignore anything you dont like, fail to actually read all the info and links provided, or seek only those opinions that agree with what you already believed - A Chameleon Isnt For You

If you think of non-human animals as less important than human animals - A Chameleon Isnt For You (indeed pets in general arent for you, you selfish backwards sod)

If you dont have a job, don't have much money (including at least $300 kept in savings for vet trips) or if you are generally "cheap" - A Chameleon Isnt For You

If you dont know that all animals poop - A Chameleon Isnt For You

If you dont yet know of a good exotics vet in your area that knows about chameleons - A Chameleon Isnt yet For You

If the nearest good exotics vet that knows about chameleons is several hours away and that seems too far for rountine check-ups - A Chameleon Isnt For You

If you dont yet know what type of enclosure is best for your climate is - A Chameleon Isnt yet For You

If you dont yet know what a dripper is - A Chameleon Isnt yet For You

If you want to have a waterfall in your cage - A Chameleon Isnt For You

If you think crickets are fine to feed to the lizard all the time, and you really dont need to offer anything else hardly at all if ever - A Chameleon Isnt For You

If you havent yet read as much as you can (hours and hours) regarding and learning about Vitamin A, Oxalic Acid, Goitrogens, gutloading, Calcium, possible health issues, lighting, etc - A Chameleon Isnt yet For You

If you are in high-school - A Chameleon probably isnt the pet for you, Yet (be realistic, you are going to want/need to spend time with friends and studying rather than spending hours caring for the chameleon, you are going to want to go on family vacations, you probably dont have a job to pay for pet sitters & vets etc yet, you might want to go away to College and you shouldnt rely on other people to care for your chameleon for more than a day or two at a time, and your first full-time job after highschool might not allow you time to care for your cham.....)

If you dont have much space - A Chameleon Probably Isnt For You


I agree with everything except the high school statement. I have been able to successfully keep chameleons for almost two years now with no significant problems that I could not take care of and pay for myself. I also do not have a job but save up money from birthdays, etc. and sell things I no longer use for vet money. However, I understand this is a generalization and does not apply to everyone, so, to some extent I agree.

Good blog, Sandra.
should be mandatory reading, especially for 1st time keepers. in your face common sense
I respectfully acknowledge that there ARE some people in high-school doing a good job with their chameleons. And indeed there are people without jobs, yet who have money (I forget that's possible!) and can afford the care of these animals :)
Thanks everyone for the comments.

Feel free to add to the list!

- If you are afraid to ask questions - maybe a chameleon isnt yet for you.
- If you havent yet found the chameleonforums website - I hope you do soon!
This should be a sticky or something on the forum! It's brilliantly stated, and should be seen by everyone who joins.
This should be a song. Though I don't know much about Oxalic Acid, Goitrogen. I guess I have some reading to do.
You think its okay to put your idiotic Pride before the health and well being of the animals in your care

You think its okay not to feed your chameleons for weeks on end, because youre short on cash
Trillian;bt1362 said:
Can you add: If you think a dripper is too messy.

good addition! thanks!

(and dont worry, you can read about oxalic acid easily enough and not having done so so far isnt a big problem)
Tay And A;bt1926 said:
Damn I love your blogs! :)
;) Thanks

Here's another one:

If you are relying on your parents to help you (pay for bugs, drive to vets, etc): A chameleon isnt yet for you
I am in high school and pay for my own bugs and care for the cham, and sometimes receive gifts of calcium and other supplements because I love spending time with my chameleon. He is a priority over friends.
I love this! I used to be like the first statement, but I wanted my chameleon so badly I found ways to cope. 5 years later I am ok with pretty much all bugs (apart from adult roaches, ugh), and I absolutely LOVE sharing my home with chameleons!
you should add, "if you want a chameleon because you think its cool, or think it will change color your match your attire", (i hear this or am asked this by so many people)
The money factor is a big one. I actually emailed someone who was looking for a cham for his son on kijiji, wanting to only spend around $100. I went into detail about what everything cost, explaining that chameleons need much more care and accessories than most other reptiles. Personally, in the 2.5 months I've had Mr.Pink I've spent around $800. I also did weeks worth of research before purchasing him, and I still research every day.

Maybe the highschool thing should be changed to say that if you don't have a disposable income, you shouldn't have a chameleon. If you have bills to pay, and they take up your budget, putting a chameleon in there either has to be a high priority... as in higher than other priorities like a cell phone, or entertainment. Like I said, to follow the advice here, I've spent what has now totalled to be around $1000 in less than 3 months. Of course most of that was start up, but if you don't have that kind of money, please don't consider a cham at this time.
The highschool thing should be taken off or differently worded. Im a jr and have succesfully managed a huge species and 3 other species with the following difficulties, a varsity wrestler, i go to my dads every other weekend, being gone for 2 weeks at a time during summer. I do it because i care about them and i dont have a job either. I bought a mistking for when im gone and my lights are on a timer too so my mom only has to feed them. Ive payed for everything they have.
I again acknowledge that there are high school students who are GREAT chameleon owners. :) I have complete respect for these keepers. And also for their parents when they are involved.

But for the most part, I do still think chameleons are not the best pet for most children (and when you get to be my age, its normal to call teenagers children - its not an insult!)
If your financial situations makes just buying a plant or proper temperature gauge for the cage difficult ... - A Chameleon Isnt Yet For You
If despite all advice to the contrary, you know its fine to only feed your chameleon with superworms, cuz that's easier for you and it must be okay cuz he likes them, and all that talk about variety and gutloading is just nonsense and hype ........... maybe I wish you didn't have a chameleon.

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