Mister Selection Guide

So your shopping for a mister? I will try to get info on various models instead of saying buy brand X.

Zoo Med Habba Mist/Reptirain $61.99
  • Integrated setup, all parts are inside the mister
  • Programmable misting unit for small terrariums
  • Multiple nozzle applications - 2
  • 28 oz reservoir

  • Four programmable spray interval settings 1/2 every hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, or 12 hours.
  • Four spray duration settings: 15, 30, 45, or 60 seconds.
  • Mist spray is that of a spray bottle, pump does not have enough power to produce fine mist.
  • Reservoir leaks

Opinion: This is a bad choice, there is no scenerio where I can make this item sound like a good purchase.

Exo Terra MONSOON rs400 $129.99
  • Integrated setup, all parts are inside the mister
  • Programmable misting unit for terrariums and greenhouses
  • Multiple nozzle applications - 6
  • 2.5 gallon reservoir
  • optional remote control

  • Mist pattern is not very wide and not very fine, more like a spray than a mist.
  • People have had issues finding parts/nozzles to repair the unit, and nozzles clog over time unless distilled/ro water used 100%.
  • Nozzles mount via suction cup, which is a pain for screen enclosures.

Opinion: It does what it says it will, would be suitable for a smaller terrarium than a 18x18x36 and up. Cost is high though considering no available parts and when other misters are cheaper.

MistKing ($99.99 - $319.99)
  • Modular system - pump, timer, power supply, etc are all sperate parts and not integrated
  • Multiple programmable misting systems
  • Multiple nozzle applications - 10 to 80 depending on the kit purchased
  • Reservoir not included

  • Nozzles disperse @ .25 gallon per hour
  • Produce a super fine mist that does not exceed a 2ft diameter
  • Rain Dome accessory
  • Parts are plentiful and system is expandable
  • Timer for upto 8 daily sessions down to the second, and its replaceable if need be
  • Can use any size reservoir you purchase, from a 2 gal bucket to a 50 gal trash can.

Opinion: This is what a mist system strives to be in. I have nothing bad to say about the product itself. I like the super fine mist it produces and the fact it does not spray a pattern wide enough to exit the screen in a 2x2x4 enclosure.

Aqua Zamp ($110.00 - $330.00)
  • Modular system - pump, timer, power supply, etc are all sperate parts and not integrated
  • Multiple programmable misting systems or Rain Domes only
  • Multiple nozzle applications - 10 to 80 depending on the kit purchased
  • 4 gallon Reservoir (optioanl)

  • Nozzles disperse @ .9 gallon per hour or optional 3. gallons per hour
  • Produce a fine mist that does exceed a 2ft diameter
  • Rain Dome accessory
  • Parts are plentiful and system is expandable
  • Timer for upto 8 daily sessions down to the second, and its replaceable if need be
  • Can change the reservoir to any size you wish.

Opinion: Very equal to its cousin from Canada (MistKing). This system can be bought as a rain dome or mister only or combo. A very modular system. Customer Support is awesome, and because they are based in the USA shipping cost was less and faster delivery. The nozzles produce a fine mist but at .9gph it goes thru more water than the others. The spray pattern is pretty wide and can exceed the 2x2x4 screen enclosures.

Which should you buy? That is up to you, I have compiled the information that I thought was pertinentt to the purchase of a mist system.


That is an awesome write up! Did you personally use all of these to compile your results? Great work!!! :)
Great write up. I was just wondering about the GPH my mistking was putting out because it seems very high.
I have sadly tried the habba mist. The monsoon my friend has in his small dart frog setup and it works fine.

I have the mistking pump but have a mixture of nozzles from aquazamp, mistking and some I got off e-bay & 3 nozzles for 15.00 isn't a bad deal!

To be honest the nozzle pack I got of e-bay has the finest mist of the nozzles I have and produce a smaller radius. Better for smaller enclosures.

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