How to keep away Ants and other unwanted critters

I have seen some people post about the problems with ants they have been having and now that its summer it seems ants are more out and about then ever. Ants can be very deadly killing off your entire colony or even kill your Cham. The best method I have found and this works really good is to create a "River of Death" using vegetable oil. The reason water does not always work is because some critters will still get across the water for example fire ants will build a bridge. With my method not even the persistent fire ants are getting across. For the river of death you will need the following materials:

1. Vegetable oil(does not matter what brand)
2. Some kind of lid/pan that your stand housing your cage or colony will go on.

I use it for my Cricket colonies and it works great. What I do for my cricket colony is I place the Tupperware bin on top of the same kind of lid that the bin comes with. Making sure the lid is upside down place the bin on top. Then simply pour vegetable oil around the edge of the lid creating the river. The reason the lid works great is the outer edge is lower than the middle allowing you to create a river of oil around the edge that will not go in the middle where the bin sits on keeping the bottom of the bin dry while allowing the "River of Death" around the outside. Now the ants and other critters have no way to get inside your cage/colony.

I have noticed all kinds of curious critters that get curious to fall victim to the river. There were even some Wolf Spiders that were found dead due to the oil. It really does protect your stuff well.


GREAT POST! in addition to the ants the oils properties will also ward off mites and fleas(if wide enough)! once i find the right size lids im doing to do this.

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