Breeding Dubia Cockroaches

Breeding Blaptica dubia, or dubia roaches, is an easy and money-saving way to feed your reptiles. They are low maintenance, very hardy, will eat just about anything, and live from 1-2 years. Here are the basics on caring for your own colony:


Temperature: Dubia roaches like higher temps to breed. A heating pad can be purchased if necessary (an electric blanket works too). For stimulated breeding, temps should be 85 - 95 degrees Fahrenheit (or 29.4 - 35 degrees Celcius).

Humidity: Just enough to complete molts. A range between 30% and 40% would work fine (humidity is naturally created from food or themselves, so there is no need to mist).

Hiding: A good amount of egg crate and/or paper towel rolls should be placed with the roaches. They like to hide.

Diet: Anything that is safe for your chameleon to ingest. They tend to favor fruits like oranges and apples, however.


Container: Anything will work. Tubs work great (make sure it is clean).

Ventilation: Poke/drill many holes in the container to prevent mold growth. You can also cut out part of the lid and replace it with fiberglas.

Cleaning: You can wait as long as 3-4 months without cleaning. They are very clean, and the babies will eat the frass (feces, molts, etc.). However, keep an eye on it to make sure it does not look disgusting. Place the roaches in another container with fresh hides and food, and clean the old one. When it's time to clean again, place them in the one you just cleaned.

Good to Know Points

-They cannot climb
-They do not make noise
-They cannot fly
-They do not stink
-They breed very fast

Fun Facts

-Dubia roaches are native to tropical Latin America
-Dubia roaches give birth to live young

More Important Points

-A ratio of male to female roaches should be at least 1:3 to prevent fights between males, and to allow one male to breed with a few females.

-Babies can climb the sealant in aquariums.

-It is approximately 3 months from birth to adult.

-Adult males have full wings (although they can't fly), while females have wing stubs and are usually darker in color.

-A good starter colony is about 100 mixed size and gender. Wait about 2-3 months before steadily feeding off (you can also buy 200 - 300 if you need to feed right away).

I hope this was of good use to you, and please leave me a comment or send a PM if you have any more questions.
NOTE: None of this is as complicated as I may have made it seem. I just try to provide as much information as I can.


Wow great blog man! Very informative yet simple and easy to understand for any keeper. Thank you man!

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