Silk worm rearing

So, I bought a 250 silkworm colony and powdered chow from silkworm store : * - Home Page.

Heres how I reared them, unfortunately not from start to finish but It was the same from when I first got them as tiny stage 1 slikworms (1st instar)

You will need:
plastic hinged box (provided when you order the colony)
plastic angle
mesh (aluminium or plastic)
plastic tweezers (provided when you order the colony)

heres a pic of the items cut to size:


Place the plastic angle in the box like so:


And put the mesh on top:


now place your prepared chow onto the mesh and add silkworms (note how I place the food to ensure the silkworms spread out and dont smother each other):


I keep everything as clean as possible, a thorough cleaning every 3-4 days should ensure no moldy chow is in the box. I also sterilise everything when I clean using soap and water and antibacterial wipes.

To mix the chow simply add boiling water and stir. Your aiming for a fairly thick paste. Put it in the microwave for a minute or 2 to thicken it up, and also to sterilise it. Then just empty the contents onto a sheet of clingfilm, wrap and put into the fridge. You will find that the chow thickens up into a playdo consistancy. This is what you want!

I seperate my silkworms after 2-3 weeks, making sure I wash and sterilise my hands and tweezers before any handling takes place. Cleansliness is VERY IMPORTANT. Take the bigger ones and place them into a seperate box. This ensures that the smaller ones are not getting caught up in the silk and that they can get to the chow.

Remove any dead or dying (going black) silkworms from the tub as they will make the others ill.

I hope this has been of some use. This was my first time rearing them, and after watching a few videos on youtube I decided to give it a go. It takes time and patience, but the end result is great! Look forward to my follow up thread on breeding them as Ill be letting 30 or so mature to moths!


Very good post benton. I hope to try silk worm rearing again. I will keep this in mind when i start my colony. Looking forward to the breeding one as that is when i had trouble.
ive just brought 500 silkies form the silkwormstore so im doing my research, one question whats the idea of putting them on the mesh an raising them of the base of the tub?
chameleonkev;bt1502 said:
ive just brought 500 silkies form the silkwormstore so im doing my research, one question whats the idea of putting them on the mesh an raising them of the base of the tub?

The idea of raising them off the base of the tub is so the frass (poo) falls through the mesh and theyre not crawling through it. Not all of it will fall through, but I cleaned mine every 3-4 days, anti bacterial everytime, washed hands thorughly and anti bacterial them too. Keeping them clean is key! try to handle them with tweezers if you can.
One cool thing to do is when they reach about an inch in size, feed them beets and carrots and watch them spin colored silk! ;)
Can I ask how much silkworms, food, and everything is? This was really helpful because I'm trying to get into silkworms but Noone sells them around here :/ and I heard the silkworm food is very expensive
I like the raised up idea in the tub. Those delicups can be tricky to keep clean and prepare. I would like to breed these things which I'm assuming you are doing? The only thing I don't understand is the incubation process and what to do with eggs once laid on paper towels. Any help is appreciated!
Ohh and might I add some wider holes screen will help frass fall through. Like the plastic mesh given when you get your delicup horn or silkworms.

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