What have i done during gestation with 1st fertile clutch?

on 2/17/2011 I fed my female Veiled her first and only pinky mouse. This was 2 days after she mated, I wanted to get her fertile before going through another infertile clutch lay. If some of you recall, Kiwi was recovering from gular edema due to a deficiency of Vitamin A & D from laying her first infertile. The Hypovitaminosis was caused by higher supplementing with calcium, leaving an unbalance with other important vitamins and minerals.

I needed to make sure she would have a good boost of fat and protein before she started developing her eggs. her supplementing is calcium every 2-3 days, Rep-Cal Herptivite and calcium D3 once a month.

her wet gutload is a higher citrus blend with avacado, orange, grapefruit, blueberry, red lettuce, butternut squash, sweet potato, carrot, alfalfa sproutes, and 1 or 2 more items, i cant remember.

her dry is bee pollen, brewers yeast, spirulina, kelp powder, dried alfalfa, uncooked sunflower seeds, small amount of repashy, and again a few other good items, but i forget.

anyways, Kiwi is developing a nice tummy of plump eggs and is expected to lay within the next week and a half. Her edema is gone, and she is very well colored, alert, stable, and hydrated. i am confident she is going have a successful lay, and the incubator is ready and waiting!


Pinkie mouse for pregnancy....I'm going to try that myself. Let us know please....
I actually didn't try that (mouse), oh well......it seems to be going ok so far.........:)

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