Mantis Oothecae (Egg Case) Care

As Feeders​

Oothecae (egg cases) can be stored in several ways. If the hatchlings are to be used as feeders, the oothecae can be incubated right away unless otherwise stated. This can be accomplished by attaching the ootheca(e) to the top of a vented deli cup lid. The oothecae usually arrive glued to either a stick or a piece of cardboard. Use this to attach it to the lid. Put twigs or other similar items at the bottom of the deli cup so that the baby mantids have something to climb on once they hatch. The oothecae will need to be misted every couple of days depending on ambient humidity in the tub. The oothecae should not be constantly wet as this encourages mold to grow. Instead, there should be a humid period and a dry period. Once the container is dry to the touch, it is time to lightly mist the oothecae again. The oothecae will usually hatch within 8 weeks this way when kept at room temperature or a little warmer. To delay hatching, the oothecae can be placed in the refrigerator for up to several months. They need to be misted every few weeks when kept this way.

If they are to be grown instead of being used right away, it is important that they be fed fruit flies/small roaches/pinhead crickets within a few days of their hatching or they will begin to eat each other. They should be kept sated and misted very lightly once a day. They will eventually need to be separated into individual containers. This is usually when they begin to eat each other when they already have plenty of food to eat.

For the Garden

If the oothecae are to be used in the garden, they can be attached horizontally (to the ground, so that the oothecae face down) in a protected area to hatch when spring arrives. Putting them in a bush or similar place at least a foot off the ground is usually a good place. They will hatch on their own and begin eating pests.​


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