I'm starting to become depressed with this forum. Well, no. Not with the forum, but rather with the all too frequent threads about seriously ill or near death chameleons, with owners who clearly havent a clue or just dont care, apparently lacking any values, ethics, morals or intelligence. Too often now I feel depressed, angry, or frustrated with what I read, and am wondering if its worth it. Not a week goes buy, sometimes not two days, before I read yet another "i need help" thread where a happy ending is highly unlikely, where advice is ignored, where a spec of research could have prevented tragedy. So many chameleons are ill-treated, even tortured by their captors. Too many idiots and arogant jerks. Too many well-meaning people making terrible mistakes and bad choices. Too many people buying chameleons without sufficient knowledge or financial resources. Im beginning to think Ardi Abate made a good choice, one which it might be time to emulate.