Hello my children. so as a first time cham owner, i have become concerned. i gave my girl wax worms (heard they’re good and heard they’re not, tbh haven’t made up my mind.) and her feces looks very different from normal. she does have enough hydration and such. just not sure.


You should be posting these in the forum. Posting to your blog will not get you the feedback from the community when you need help.
i did post a forum. no one saw it or said a thing.
But absolutely no one looks in the blogs to help people. The only reason I saw yours was because I was looking for another blog for a member. The blogs are meant to be an informative resource. Should no one answer within the forum you need to bump the thread so it jumps to the top again.
Hey littlekiwi.. its a little hard to tell from the photo what we are looking at. Wax worms are nice for treats and every now and then.. too much and your cham can pack on the weight and have other issues. It's not a staple food, more like that chocolate ecclaire you treat yourself to every now and then. Did you manage to take another pic of the poo ? I would hold off feeding wax worms and go back to her normal diet and see how things go. Ps. what type of chameleon do you have and how old is she ?
Hey littlekiwi.. its a little hard to tell from the photo what we are looking at. Wax worms are nice for treats and every now and then.. too much and your cham can pack on the weight and have other issues. It's not a staple food, more like that chocolate ecclaire you treat yourself to every now and then. Did you manage to take another pic of the poo ? I would hold off feeding wax worms and go back to her normal diet and see how things go. Ps. what type of chameleon do you have and how old is she ?
hey there. i have a thread i’m currently talking to people on. but i have an estimated four month old veiled chameleon and have no other pictures
Different food sometimes = different looking poop. Maybe it wasn't as completely digested. I wouldn't worry about it unless it keeps repeating.

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