Making a Dripper Set Up

Need a plastic gallon milk carton, 1/4" valve and hose (I bought mine at Home Depot - the ones used for ice makers) to me the hose is sturdier and the valve is easy to turn. Poke a small hole on the side - at the bottom of the milk carton (you want it smaller than the tubing) and insert a piece of tubing about 6" long inside the carton and connect the valve to the end of that piece and another piece of tubing to the other end of the valve. There you have it. You can place the end of the tube to drip on a leaf. I fill mine up 3/4 full and let it drip about a drop a second and it last all day. The other part of this, is that you need a place to collect the drops on the bottom of the enclosure. I now use the same size milk carton as the collection container. That way I know if I fill up the dripper 3/4 I will get 3/4 full in the collection container. If you are using tap water, it is a good idea to let the water sit 24 hours before giving it to your cham. You will need to clean the carton once a week with a small amount of bleach and rinse out well. You will need to replace it after awhile because the hole will eventually get larger each time you take out the tubing to clean.
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