Growth Record, September 2010

Hard to believe that Leo and Drake are already 10 months old. Now I have to start thinking about how to handle the cold winter coming up. Not looking forward to this very much. My Mistking has been working great. I was worried a bit about overwatering the plants, but they seem to be doing OK. I've now added a hibiscus to both Leo's and Drake's cages and grow lights as well. I am currently looking for ways to heat the water when misting, and I like the inline heaters better since you don't have to maintain a warm bucket of water in the room.

So both chameleons are still growing. I have cut down how much I've been feeding them. Leo in particular has recently been less enthused about eating crickets which is just fine by me since I hate keeping them, and the dubias are doing well enough now to feed them off. I'm looking forward to the New England Expo this weekend and plan to get a bunch of feeders there, like hornworms and butterworms.

Here's their growth update:

4/10/2010 8.2 g
5/04/2010 13.8 g
6/05/2010 29.6 g
6/12/2010 36.9 g
6/27/2010 57.0 g
7/18/2010 82.2 g
7/31/2010 102.3 g
8/07/2010 113.8 g
8/15/2010 120.5 g
8/21/2010 127.1 g
8/28/2010 128.7 g
9/4/2010 139.7
9/12/2010 143.2
9/19/2010 153.7
9/26/2010 156.2

And the graph showing both chams:


Here are some of the latest pics:




Unfortunately I can only post 4 pics here in a blog. (Well apparently smileys also count as images!! I tried to add one and I can't)


Stuart Leo looks great!
You are so good about keeping the records. Gosh, I see so much resemblance between the two. Some differences also, that do make them individuals too. Wonderful blog!!!

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