Should I continue?

I'm wondering if there is any value in recording here the diary of what my chameleons eat. I can see quite a few people do read those blog entries, or at least open /glance at them. But does it provide any value? Does it serve as some kind of example, or provide insight or ideas?

I track the data elsewhere for my own purposes. So unless people here are wanting to see details of my feeding and supplementation regime, maybe I can save myself a bunch of typing!?

Your comments please!


I think you should continue, and I do think that this information has value. If you're recording this information for yourself already, then you might as well share it. The value for me is that I get to see what an expert in nutrition is feeding her chameleons and compare it to my own feeding regimen in terms of both quantity and quality. I think you should also provide the approximate ages of the chameleons you're feeding, however after a certain age "adult" is probably enough. My panther is almost a year old, and I'm still feeding him every day for now, but plan to go to every other day soon. Also your supplementation schedule is definitely of interest, so imo don't stop sharing!
Thanks for your comment.
Do you think there would be greater value if I also noted what the various gutloads were? It would make for rather lengthy blog entries, since each type of bug often is fed something different from the others. Heck just what the roaches eat one day is often different from the next day, and what I give each of the three types of roaches can differ on any given day as well. For example, the dubia love kelp, the turks dont so much, and the hissers are inbetween. Hissers like dandelion and romain much more than the other two. They all like apple and carrot, but some like squash and others prefer yam. So while I dont always cater to the desires of my roaches, it does end up that one type of roach will have been gutloaded on more of one thing than another type of roach. Then there's the crickets, the various larva, the isopods, .... I spend more time thinking about and planning what to feed the bugs than about what to feed me! LOL
I also think the food diary is valuable. Providing information on gutload is excellent, but it does sound like a lot of work. If you decide to scale back that would be understandable. Blogs, especially this one, deserve more exposure and I plan to make related improvements before end of year.
The gutload information is valuable, but I don't necessarily think you need to share it for each feeder that is fed out. Basically it is up to you, the information would be valuable, but it is a bit more work for you. Maybe a general blog about gutloading would suffice, but you've probably done that already. Proper gutloading and supplementation is obviously an important part of chameleon keeping, so anything you share is helpful to others.
Okay, so far two strong votes for continuing. I guess I'll at least finish out the year. I increase my course load (I work full time and also take night/online classes) come January, so maybe that's when I'll have to revisit this in terms of my time.

And ya, I do have a separate blog entry related to gutloading. A couple actually.
Indeed one whole section of my blog here is related to nutrition!

So maybe I'll just list some "highlights" at the end or beginning, rather than get carried away with a day by day account.
Vote #3 for keeping it. I dont look at it in detail all the time, but I do check it now and then.

I'd be into reading about your gutloading more too. I was glad to see your post about the dry gutload you made last month. Where did you find the kelp powder?

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