Creating a Pygmy Terrarium

I keep my pygs (bearded) in a terrarium. I have 2 aquariums with adults, 1 male and 2 females, and 3 regular nano terrariums where I keep hatchlings. At 2 months they are still pretty small and should definately NOT be handled. In fact, pygs shouldn't be handled at all unless absolutely necessary.

They live on the floor of the forrest among the leaves, sticks and the weeds and very small plants. They never get very far off the ground so they don't get much light or heat. I use an old 5.0 UVB bulb from my veilds and that has always been sufficient. They produce about 8 - 10 uvb. They like it humid so I plant lots of little terrarium plants and have dried leaves and sticks on the dirt. It looks just like you would expect the forest floor would look. I don't believe you can successfully keep pygmys in a screen cage.

When setting up my terrariums I get hydro balls from Home Depot for the bottom layer. This will absorb any water that gets in the bottom of your terrarium. Put at least 2 balls high, about 3/4". I cover them with nylon screen. My second layer is activated charcoal which I get from a pet store which sells fish supplies. Again,put in about 3/4" and cover with screen. Make sure your screen always comes out to the glass and maybe a bit to tuck up so the layers are separated. Last I put dirt. I only use dirt that has no fertilizer and has been sterilized against bugs, etc. Put down just a little because you will have to plant your plants in it. I have better luck getting little plants from Lowes, but if you can find small plants that are no bigger then about 3" tall from a nursery, use those. Sometimes I get fern types and cut them down so they can have room to grow. I wash them well, even removing the dirt from the roots. You might even have to trim the roots a little also. Plant the back of the terrarium first. You can make the dirt the highest back there. Anything small would go towards the front along with sticks. Babies really like to climb on sticks.

Don't go nuts spraying, just moisten the plants or you can literally blow the little guys right off their perches. Hopefully you can buy pinhead crickets to feed them. If you have a reptile store by you get the large pins. 1/4's are about the biggest they handle well.


I have found that without the hydroballs you can have water in the bottom of your terrarium and you can get a smell in your tank. Not good. Do what you want. I have kept the same substrate in my tank for over a year and the tank smells just as sweet as the day I put it together. No sense in cutting corners for a couple of bucks is my philosophy.
Do you have to use the charcoal stuff? Also, is it okay to use fake plants and vines. I have two small ficus' that I got at Walmart and Lowes.
Bought a trio of Brevs back in '07 and had them for about 3 years after that..really enjoyed them. Any chance you know of a reliable source to get Brevs now?? Everywhere I've seen online is either sold out or seems sketchy. I have just replanted their old 29gal terrarium, I also use the hydroton/carbon/soil layers.

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