Community and family!

It seems that humans generally come together in difficult times, but when those people are already together for a good purpose there is a special kind of bond that occurs. This forum has become an extended part of so many lives all for the benefit of some small, amazing little creatures. It gives one hope that there is hope for humans after all. I know that animal lovers are a special breed all their own, but in a world filled with such atrocities and cruelty, it is nice to see so many who just want to help others become more successful at what they do. We have many from all walks of life and from all parts of the globe, and many different styles of husbandry are discussed, but all for the sake of our pets. Its a great community! This is definitely evident during the toughest times.

We have lost some amazing chameleons recently, (and I'm sure this is an ongoing, unfortunate issue due to their short lifespan and the amount of keepers out there) and seen such an outpouring of well wishes and prayers for complete strangers! I want everyone to be as successful as possible and to never face the issues that can occur. I wish that everyone can be lucky enough to have to deal with the issues of a chameleon getting old, but all too many times they are gone far too soon. I am grateful that I have not faced any major issues with my boy, but I am confident that if this does occur I know where to find some great advice!!!

I guess what I am saying is that this is a hell of a community and some amazing people are out there! I look forward to getting to know many more of you through our chameleon adventures! ;)


Very well said. Lets be friends :)

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