Do It Yourself Dubia Roaches Bin, Info and Food

This is to help out all new dubia owners on how to breed, feed and keep them happy!

Purchase a 6 to 10 gallon tank or plastic bin which can be picked up online, petco or target.

Dubia's love cricket crack just like the crickets do. You can also feed them carrots, yams, sweet potato, apples, squash, collard, turnip greens, and oranges

I use a inferred bulb on top of the cage to keep it nice and warm so they will breed. You can use a heat pad under the tank also. 80-105 is perfect temps for roaches.

Egg flats or paper towel rolls work perfect!

To get them to breed you will need to keep them warm!! Either use a heat pad at the bottom of their home or use a ceramic light above their home. Idea temps is 80-105°.


1.) Do I need soil or substrate at the bottom? No you do not.

2.) Are dubia's loud? Nope! you can't even hear them.

3.) Do they smell like crickets? NO they do not smell at all! Only thing that will smell is the food you feed them if it goes rotten

4.) Can they climb out of the container? 99% No they cannot it all depends on the container if it's ridged then they might be able to climb but in glass or smooth plastic NO they cannot

5.) Adults? Do not feed off your adults if you want them to keep having babies so you have more feeders. If you feed off the adults there is no more baby makers :)

6.) Lighting? Lighting - Blaptica dubia relish the dark and shy from the light. For this reason, no lighting is required for this species.


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