**EDIT** suppelementing

So it was asked if I was still using the same supplementing schedual for my quads, and I thought I should include the response here.

I still very much like the repashy CP but have found that the levels of vit d and vit A are still a little too high. ( reg repashy cal plus formula )
I have stepped it down to about once evey 2 weeks.
I find I use a lot of daily judgement as to how I supplement.
By watching the chams close I make little changes here and there.
Often if I see a reduction in energy levels I tend to skip a dose of repashy and substitute with plain calcium. I know this may be hard for most keepers to fit into their personal routines, but as we know each chameleon has different requirements.

I do feel that the schedual is working well for me as I had a 3+ year old male quad that had seemed to loose the us eof his tounge and over the last 6 months has regained the use of it.
Also I finally had success in hatching out 8 lil babies from two unrelated pairs of CB quads. 2 from one clutch and 6 from another. It was not perfect as I had 16 eggs and some babies couldn't get out of the egg. But I do feel I must be doing something right ;)

Thx so much


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