Chameleon(Basic Info)

Ok. This is for new users to get information quickly. excuess my spelling erros please.

Feeding- Dubia roaches, crikets, and reptiworms can all be primary feeders. mealworms, superworms, waxowrms, silkworms, hornworms, ect are treat feeders. worms can be addicting. feeders need to be gutloaded.

Gutloading- your feeders need to be feed a diet in witch the ratio is 2:1(calcium to phosphorus). fresh fruit, veggies, and whole grain are all good gutloaders. there are many sorces to make a diet for your cham.

*you will need cal with d3 cal without d3 and multivitamins. How much you use depends on your cham.

Lighting- reptisun or reptiglow 5.0. (UVB)i have nothing against compact bulbs. may need a basking depending on temperature.

Plants- Read the safe plant list (pothos, hibiscus, ficus ect) and use alot of live and/or fake plants to make your cham feel at home

Cage- I think that 28x28x48 is the smallist cage i would have. some chams can have smaller cages but honestly bigger is better

FreeRange- I do this and feel its better for my chams. this means you dont have a cage and allow your cham on some trees in a room.

example: (the picture)

Sickness- Chams get sick. have about 200$ on the side for when/if you cham gets sick

Female chams- Females lay eggs weather bred or not. unless a live bearing speicies.(livebearing example-jacksons) If an egg laying. You will need a laying bin.

* dont use waterfalls. Mist 2-3 time per day unitll the chams starts drinking. Take your cham out for some sun! substrate=usually not good. Makes soup in your cages.

Remember, owning a cham comes with alot of reasonability. Please dont rush into haveing one. they are not pets to play with. Many do not like to be held. This is only Basic info to get you started.


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