October Growth record!

During this month I was able to install a heating system for the Mistking water. I haven't made a post about this just yet, but I may still do that if there is some interest. I bought a heater for about $20 on ebay, and it does heat the water at least a little bit. However I do wish it would heat the water a bit faster. It heats up pretty fast, but obviously it takes a while to heat up the water which is flowing through.

In any case, I'll just show the growth in the form of this graph this time around. I noticed that today when I weighed Leo he actually lost a slight amount compared to last week. This difference is slight though, so I expect his weight to keep going up in the coming weeks. If it doesn't of course I'll have to see if something might be wrong. I have been thinking that a vet checkup is a good idea anyway.


Leo was hanging upside down for some reason: (no the branch didn't rotate)

Here's another from this month:

And one of Drake too:


Hi Stuart! The weight thing is probably nothing! I don't weigh Romeo very much so therefore I don't fret if he lost a few pounds for whatever reason. I did weight him about 3 or 4 days ago just out of curiosity and he was between 185 and 190 grams if I did things right! I love his red eye!
Looks like the weight loss was just a blip, his weight yesterday was at 179 grams.

Doesn't Romeo have red eyes sometimes? It seem Leo does pretty much all the time, and more recently he has a spot of green near the middle too. I have noticed some subtle color changes too, like some more blue on his bars. Oh and he has red polka dots under his hind legs, does Romeo have those?

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