Variety and Quantity Chart, Summer 2009

I track what I feed my chameleons. Decided to chart it and see what kinds of average quantities I was offering this summer (June - Sept).

Here's the chart:


Averaged out, I was feeding about 62 bugs a month, or 2 bugs daily. This was made up of about 14 different types of bugs each month. On average for a month, 15 crickets were eaten, 8 superworms, 8 stick insects, 7 silkworms, 7 butterworms, 5 mealworms, 4 terrestrial isopods, 4 roaches (of varying types). Grasshoppers, moths, hornworms, waxworms, and mantis were used less.

Unintentionally, this is a bit less than I was feeding last summer. No negative effect to the reduction was noticed, but I intend to up the feeders a bit now back towards what I was doing before.


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