Chameleon Related Chores

-Feed silkworms
-Feed crickets (remove any uneaten food from previous evening)
-Fill water drippers (and later empty the collection pan)
-spray water stick insects
-Feed chameleons (I feed small amounts frequently, about six days a week, rather than large amount every other day, and try for different feeder bug each day, and supplement according to routine and feeder choice)
-check silkworm eggs for new hatches (if eggs are out to hatch, which they usually are)
-check temp / humidity guages to see what the highs and lows of the night before were, and of course check current temps
-clean cricket bucket of droppings and old food, then add new food for them
-spot clean any recent droppings in cham cages
-check temps in cham cages and feeder bins
-mist chameleons
-fill water drippers (and later empty collection bowl)
-feed three roach bins
-feed and water isopods (every other day)
-feed multiple containers of superworms and beetles veg or fruit (every other day)
-feed mealworms and beetles (every other day)
-feed silkworms again (multiple times daily)
-possible second feeding for chameleons unless this is a skip feeding day
-update food journal (of what chameleons ate)
-feed stick insects and clean tank(s)
-light cleaning of roach bins
-add bran/oats to supers and mealworms
-check superworm pupae, transfer beetles to beetle bin
-move large keeper silkworms to place for them to cocoon (move emerging moths to moth bin and enourage mating)
-make silkworm chow (if leaves not in season)
-collect veg from garden (romaine, kale, dandelion, squash, apple - whatever is in season)
-check plants (remove dead leaves, water, rotate...)
-check shoe boxes containing cham eggs (if incubating)
-in winter, if needed, check room humidifier (fill)
-launder/clean towels used on bottoms of cages under drip collection bowls
-clean drippers and dripper collection bowls
-attend to fruit fly cultures
every other Month or so
-make fresh batch of dry gutloads (one for the roaches, a different one for crickets and others)
-fully clean cages
-fully clean roach bins
-check/replace sticky trap (ease paranoia about escaped roaches or crickets)
-weight chameleons
-move supers/mealworms into new containers (fraz builds up too much otherwise)
as needed
-replace laying bin sand
-clip pothos vines, root new ones
-paint cages
-collect branches
-replace UVB tubes, heat lights

Lighting (UVB and heat) is all on timers, coming on 30-60 minutes prior to my starting to feed/water.


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