Oxalic Acid Content of Vegetables

Oxalic acid has been shown to "bind" with calcium (and magnesium, iron, sodium and potassium) in the intestine, thus potentially interfering with the absorption of these. So, High Oxalic Acid levels can turn a seemingly high in calcium veggie (as compared to its phosporous content) into a poor choice of gutload. Thus Vegetables that are listed as being HIGH in Calcium, but are also High in Oxalates are really not in fact High Calcium rich foods, but potentially low/poor, being high in phosphorus content and low in bioavailable calcium when ingested.

Several tables I have consult have each shown slightly different values, but the following seems to reflect the general consensus:

HIGH in Oxalics (g/100 g)
Parsley1.70 (avoid using)
Chives1.48 (avoid using)
Cassava1.26 (avoid using)
Spinach .97 (avoid using)
Chard, Swiss .65 (avoid using)
Beet leaves
.61 (avoid using)
Radish .48 (avoid using)
Collards .4 (offer sparingly -has sufficient calcium that some will still be bioavailable)
Leek .36 (offer sparingly -has sufficient calcium that some will still be bioavailable)
Beans, snap
.36 (avoid or offer sparingly)
Brussels sprouts .36 (avoid or offer sparingly)
Garlic .36 (avoid or offer sparingly)
Leaf Lettuce .33 (offer sparingly)
Watercress .31 (offer sparingly)
Broccoli .25 (offer sparingly)
Kale .25 (some tables list as much lower, treat as moderate)

Carrot .24 (okay in moderation)
Romaine Lettuce .21 (okay in moderation)
.21 (okay in moderation)
Turnip .21 (okay in moderation)
Sorrel .2 (okay in moderation)
Sweet potato .2 (okay in moderation)
Dandelion .2 (Older leaves have higher oxalic acid content than young leaves)
.19 (okay in moderation)
Eggplant .19 (okay in moderation)
Cauliflower .15 (okay in moderation)

LOW in Oxalics (though still not all necessarily good gutload foods)
Asparagus .13
Endive .11
Cabbage .10
Carrot tops/greens
Onion .05
Pea .05
Potato .05
Turnip greens .05
Parsnip .04
Sweet Peppers .04 (some tables list this number as a bit higher, so treat like moderate)
Rutabaga .03
Raspberry .03
Cucumbers .02
Kale .02 (some tables list this number as MUCH higher, thus I would treat like carrot and other moderates. note that kale also effects iodine!)
Squash .02
Zucchini .02
Leek .02
Strawberry .01
Coriander .01
Corn .01
Dandelion .01 (young spring leaves)
Hibiscus Flower .01
Mint .01

Fruits that are Low or moderate in Oxalic Acid content:
Cherries, no pit
Cherry Plums
Melon (Cantaloupes, honeydew)
Mango without peel

Note: the oxalic-acid content of foodstuffs can vary substantially depending on their where they are grown and how young/old the plant is. Loctions with more ammonia available when growing had substantially lower oxalic-acid contents in produce; young dandelion leaves are relatively low in oxalic acid content whereas older bitter leaves have a high content.

Related info:

Useful gutloading info: http://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/sandrachameleon/75-feeder-nutrition-gutloading.html

Calcium : Phosphorous Ratio Info:


Edamame/Soy beans are high in oxalic acid.
Most grains (bran, barley, wheat, corn) are also fairly high in oxalix acid.
Apricots, figs and kiwi are moderatly high in oxalic acid content. So are almonds and sesame seeds.
Apricot high in goitrogens
Citrus fruit peel is high in oxalic acid

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