Gutloading isnt just for crickets and roaches - gutload everything!

While crickets and roaches are very easy to gutload, and the ones most often talked about, dont stop there. Larva and other feeders should also be gutloaded as best as possible.

Silkworms are gutloaded on mulberry leaves, dandelion leaves, shaved carrot, organic sweet red pepper, grape leaves, etc. If you gutload with this selection, minimal supplementation required unless they form more than 20% of the chameleons diet in which case dust regularly, like you would crickets

Butterworms will eat soft (steamed) butternut squash, which is a good gutload for any feeder. They'll also eat apple, thin shaved or steam softened carrot, and many other things. They are naturally fairly high in calcium, and retain much of their inherint nutrients if kept cool (dormant). They do not need a calcium/vitamin supplement unless used frequently.

Hornworms are gutloaded on a purchased prepared "chow", sweet red or green bell peppers, apple, grape vine leaves (sometimes they eat these, sometimes they do not - not sure why), dandelion leaves, sweet potatoe (lightly steamed and cooled), basil, etc. A little calcium supplemetation is good. You can make a paste (blender) from dandelion, bell peppers, grape vine leaves, arugula, mustard greens, basil, some sweet potatoe, some carrot, wheat germ, a pinch of spirulina and a little brewers yeast.

Mealworms will eat most any vegetable or fruit, but good ones include papaya, dandelion, butternut squash, carrot, and apple. A substrate like this doesnt hurt. Use a calcium supplement every time.

Superworms/kingworms will eat dandelion, romain, carrot, paypaya, orange, apple, alfalfa, yam, etc. in addition to a decent substrate dry gutload like this. Use a light light supplement most times.

Stick insects eat dark leafy greens, like blackberry leaves, grape leaves (a good gutload item high in calcium), romaine, dandelion.... No supplementation dusting required.

Terrestrial isopods will eat almost anything crickets and roaches will eat, such as what's listed here. No supplementation dusting required.

Snails will eat much of what a cricket or roach would eat, plus they want to eat calcium too! No supplementation dusting required.

Termites natural diet will provided some nutrients, and they will also eat fruits and veg.

Waxworms, while I wouldnt recommend them as prey for chameleons, can be gutloaded with honey on bran.

Soldier Fly Maggots are easily gutloaded on almost any semi-soft vegetable or fruit. naturally high in calcium.

More gutloading info:

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Thank you for your posts! Printing and glue-sticking them to my notebook, haha. I see on your list and have heard that silkworms eat mulberry leaves - is there any good nutrition in the fruit for crickets/roaches? Here in the Northeast, Mulberry trees are everywhere and often considered a nuisance species. However these trees play a huge part in the diet of local and migratory bird and mammal species in the areas where they are abundant. On our small farm we lay out a tarp, shake them down, and flash-freeze them as a winter-time chicken supplement. Thanks!
Yes, from what I have read, Mulberries are an excellent addition to gutloads. About equal amounts of calcium and phosphorous, lots of potassium, vitamin C, iron, and some b vitamins, and a good amount of alpha and beta carotene. Thanks for mentioning them!

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