Approx. Calories/ Day Required to Maintain Chameleon Weight

Approximate Calories per Day Required to Maintain Chameleon Body Weight (grams)
.19 Calories to maintain at 1g
.32 Calories to maintain at 2g
.55 Calories to maintain at 4g
.65 Calories to maintain at 5g
1.1 Calories to maintain at 10g
1.5 Calories to maintain at 15g
2.5 Calories to maintain at 25g
3.5 Calories to maintain at 35g
4.1 Calories to maintain at 50g
5.0 Calories to maintain at 75g
6.1 Calories to maintain at 100g
8.0 Calories to maintain at 150g
9.9 Calories to maintain at 200g
13 Calories to maintain at 300g

Higher metabolic rates (i.e. making eggs, high temp, high activity level) may require even more just for maintenance - obviously a growing chameleon will require higher caloric intake.

The above information was provided to me by my vet (and I presume she got it out of a book). She indicated it is valid for veiled and panther chameleons specifically, but likely roughly accurate regarding other chameleon types (pygs, jacks) also.

Calories found in some common prey items:

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