
Celery is actually not a bad choice for occassional gutloading, especially in terms of providing a water/hydration source for the feeders. in addition to water, celery also provides some Riboflavin, B6, Magnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, Potassium, salt, a little iron, and it has more calcium than phosphorus. Do note however that celery contains some Oxalic Acid and thus should probably not be a frequent gutload choice.

1 med stalk 8" long (40g) / 1 cup (101 g)
38.17 g / 96.38 g Water
6 kcal / 16 kcal Energy
0.28 g / 0.7 g Protein
0.07 g / 0.17 g Total lipid (fat)
1.19 g / 3 g Carbohydrate, by difference
0.6 g / 1.6 g Fiber, total dietary
0.73 g / 1.85 g Sugars, total
16 mg / 40 mg Calcium, Ca
0.08 mg / 0.2 mg Iron, Fe
4 mg / 11 mg Magnesium, Mg
10 mg / 24 mg Phosphorus, P
104 mg / 263 mg Potassium, K
32 mg / 81 mg Sodium, Na
0.05 mg / 0.13 mg Zinc, Zn
1.2 mg / 3.1 mg Vitamin C
0.008 mg / 0.021 mg Thiamin
0.023 mg / 0.058 mg Riboflavin
0.128 mg / 0.323 mg Niacin
0.03 mg / 0.075 mg Vitamin B-6
14 mcg_DFE / 36 mcg_DFE Folate, DFE
0 µg / 0 µg Vitamin B-12
0.11 mg / 0.27 mg Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)
0 µg / 0 µg Vitamin D (D2 + D3)
11.7 µg / 29.6 µg Vitamin K
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