March 2013 Prey Log

A diary of what each of my panther chameleons ate during the month of March.

1-Mar=1 dubia, gutloaded, lightly calcium& mineral dusted with Sticky Tongue Farms Mineral-Outdoor
2-Mar=3 butterworms
3-Mar=5 crickets, gutloaded and lightly dusted with a 50-50 mix of Repashy Calcium Plus and Sticky Tongue Farms Mineral-Outdoor
4-Mar=2 crickets, gutloaded and dusted
7-Mar=2 superworms, gutloaded and lightly dusted with a 50-50 mix of RC+ and STFM-O
8-Mar=3 terrestrial isopods, gutloaded, no supplement
10-Mar=2 crickets, well gutloaded and lightly dusted with a 50-50 mix of RC+ and STFM-O
11-Mar=2 crickets, well gutloaded and lightly dusted with a 50-50 mix of RC+ and STFM-O
13-Mar=1 smallish hisser, gutloaded
14-Mar=2 dubia, gutloaded, lightly dusted with Sticky Tongue Famrs Mineral-O calcium.
16-Mar=3 butterworms
17-Mar=3 crickets, gutloaded, lightly calcium dusted.
18-Mar=2 superworms, gutloaded and lightly dusted with a 50-50 mix of RC+ and STFM-O
21-Mar=2 dubia, gutloaded, lightly dusted with STF Mineral-O calcium.
22-Mar=5 terrestrial isopods, gutloaded, no supplement
23-Mar=3 medium silkworms, gutloaded on dandelion leaves; 2 mealworms lightly calicum dusted
24-Mar=3 silkworms, gutloaded, and 1 was lightly dusted with a 50-50 mix of Repashy Calcium Plus and Sticky Tongue Farms Mineral-O
25-Mar=3-6 Termites, wild caught but kept contained indoors for a few weeks, gutloaded on fruit and the wood they were living in, no supplement
27-Mar=3 terrestrial isopods, gutloaded, no supplement required.
29-Mar=1 large Indian Walking Stick Insect Phasmatodea, gutloaded on blackberry bramble bush leaves, no supplement
30-Mar=2 mealworms, dusted with a 50-50 mix of STF-M-O and RC+
31-Mar=1 cricket, gutloaded and dusted lightly with a 50-50 mix of Repashy Calcium Plus and Sticky Tongue Farms Mineral-Outdoor, and 1 Stick bug.


All my current chams like termites, but I've had two in the past that refused them - wouldn't even give them a try. weird eh?
I find your feeding logs very useful..
Do you think that a similar feeding schedule would work for an adult veiled?

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