Week 1: fruit flies* (no supplementation) Its worth noting that i didnt witness any eating until around day 4 post hatching.
Week 2 (week 1 for the ones that hatched later): fruit flies* calcium dusted for one of the feeds every other day (they are fed 3-5 times daily)
Week 3: fruit flies* plus small numbers of aphids, small stick insects and pinhead crickets. Flies dusted thrice during the week with plain calcium, once with vitamins, and once with Calcium +D3 (two days without supplementation at any of the feedings)
Week 4: fruit flies* plus small mealworms, small stick insects and small crickets. Flies calcium dusted once every other day, and one feeding of mealworms dusted with vitamins
Week 5: fruit flies* daily as well as small mealworms twice during the week, aphids twice, small silkworms once, very small superworms once, small stick insects twice, small crickets several times and a few small isopods once. Calcium dusted flies for one feeding every other day, mealworms vitamin dusted one time, silkworms lightly dusted with D3 calcium
*in all cases, fruit flies were both H and M, and I've been using two different culture mediums (one fruit & bran based, one potatoe flake based)
Week 2 (week 1 for the ones that hatched later): fruit flies* calcium dusted for one of the feeds every other day (they are fed 3-5 times daily)
Week 3: fruit flies* plus small numbers of aphids, small stick insects and pinhead crickets. Flies dusted thrice during the week with plain calcium, once with vitamins, and once with Calcium +D3 (two days without supplementation at any of the feedings)
Week 4: fruit flies* plus small mealworms, small stick insects and small crickets. Flies calcium dusted once every other day, and one feeding of mealworms dusted with vitamins
Week 5: fruit flies* daily as well as small mealworms twice during the week, aphids twice, small silkworms once, very small superworms once, small stick insects twice, small crickets several times and a few small isopods once. Calcium dusted flies for one feeding every other day, mealworms vitamin dusted one time, silkworms lightly dusted with D3 calcium
*in all cases, fruit flies were both H and M, and I've been using two different culture mediums (one fruit & bran based, one potatoe flake based)