Why We Can Approve of the Chameleon Hobby

Many people in the chameleon keeping hobby run into the instance where they find themselves questioning or being questioned if taking chameleons from the wild is approve able and acceptable. People often are criticized by others or even themselves with the idea if taking chameleons out of their native habitat is an act of cruelty. When actually being able to keep chameleons in captivity serves a purpose and is a privilege of when a species conservation goals has been reached. When this happens exporting some chameleons for the hobby is justifiable.

The purpose of keeping chameleons in the hobby is great and it applies to young and adult people (especially for people located in the city). First being able to keep chameleons at home allows people to have an at home first hand experience with biology. Degrees have been earned from this kind of start. Second people make connections with the species and become acquainted with conservation issues that normally they would not have a clue about. Third it gives people outs and in some instances keeps people away from drugs, gangs and other negative paths. Fourth, if keepers become skilled enough with captive breeding and other aspects of the hobby, the chameleons keeping hobby can become a legal introduction to business.

However this purpose is a privileged and there are some important things that should be done to further justify importing chameleons. Endorse only moderate or conservative quotas for exporting chameleons (approved from organizations such as CITES and the IUCN Red List) and do not encourage excessive exports of chameleons. For extra demand encourage captive breeders to provide for as much of the extra demand as possible.

Lastly to justify this privileged contribute to conservation efforts where your chameleons are coming from. This could be only small or large contribution once a year or once for the holidays. However this means that forests are going to stay intact for future generations. This is going to conserve these spectacular species and allow them to endure long term for future herp fans to cherish and celebrate.

In conclusion the purposes posted above makes it worthy to import chameleons into the chameleon keeping hobby. However that purpose is a privilege and as chameleon keepers if we want to keep our hobby we have the responsibility to take care of our hobby. This ideally being done by justifying our hobby through conservation and captive breeding. If that is done the chameleon keeping hobby is capable of providing an extremely enriching at home experience.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
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