Contest Theme Suggestion

I'm looking around all of these forums and I see these beautiful photos of chameleons, however, what I don't see is many photos of the chameleons with their owners? Wouldn't a monthly contest theme of 'You and Your Cham' be awesome? Have we ever had one like this before?
i like the idea but contest winners go in the calender and it might be random to suddenly have a person. i was thinking the other day we should have a theme every other month that way it would go like this- tails, full cham, head, full cham, eye, full cham, hand, full cham, ect. :)
I'm looking around all of these forums and I see these beautiful photos of chameleons, however, what I don't see is many photos of the chameleons with their owners? Wouldn't a monthly contest theme of 'You and Your Cham' be awesome? Have we ever had one like this before?

I have tons of photos of me with my chams. :D:):D:)
I have tons of photos of me with my chams. :D:):D:)

LOL! You're so right Jann! I was just thinking about you today actually while I was in my cham room. I found myself chuckling out loud when I was thinking about your luie light up christmas light. It's so cute and your photos of your cham and family are always so delightful!
LOVE the theme ideas! Us with our chams would definitely be fun. Or "chams eating" or "baby chams" and so on
Any thoughts on a theme where the chameleon subject is looking into the camera? A member named Malicious photagraphed the image below, which was used as the cover of our 2010 calendar.

sadly some chams are to small to be seen with their owners. it yould have to be a full photo then in the corner its a zoom up of some1's finger tip and there would be the cham haha.
Any thoughts on a theme where the chameleon subject is looking into the camera? A member named Malicious photagraphed the image below, which was used as the cover of our 2010 calendar.


Thats a great shot.
You mean a "both eyes at the camera" theme? Im in!;)
Proposed theme schedule for Spring.

March: Eyes
Eyes looking into camera. One eye is good, but two is preferred.

April: Shed

May: No theme
i think the more themes, the more fairness. some months you have members with gorgeous panthers and such along with colorless babies, or dull looking chameleons. where the dull ones still look nice, but the panthers colors attract more people. have an all panthers month, or an all horned chameleon month, just babies, and such. this way the playing field is a little more even :)
upcoming themes

March 2012: Eyes - Chameleon looking into camera.
April 2012: Shed - Chameleon shedding.
For the March theme, does it have to be both eyes looking into the camera, or is just one eye ok? Most of the time, one eye is on the camera and the other is looking somewhere else ,lol!
For the March theme, does it have to be both eyes looking into the camera, or is just one eye ok? Most of the time, one eye is on the camera and the other is looking somewhere else ,lol!
One eye is ok, but two eyes might be better if you can pull it off. I know it's not easy.

I suggest Funny cham faces or funny positions.. Chams being goofy
The March and April contests have already been given themes, but we could do something like that in May.
I suggest Funny cham faces or funny positions.. Chams being goofy

The March and April contests have already been given themes, but we could do something like that in May.

i agree!! funny chams would be great! like one eye up and one down, crawling on something cute, having the bugs play games and sit on their heads while they look at them! stuff like that :D
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