Greenhouse, Metal Halide, and Plant Photos

Motherlode Chameleon

Chameleon Enthusiast
Partially Assemble Greenhouse at New Location


Inside photos




Metal Halide and Greenhouse Plants



More pictures when the greenhouse is completely moved and when the metal halide lamp is mounted inside.:D:D:D:D:D
I love my greenhouse. The shelve you are actually looking at on the picture that is inside of the greenhouse are actually 12 foot long and is where most of the cages are going to go. The greenhouse is about 10 foot tall and 12 by 12 foot wide. The other side I'm going to put a large cage for my Parsons and a large free range area. While the metal halide lamp, once I have got a reptile friendly bulb and a UV friendly glass filter panel, is going to be placed over most of the cages. If the halide light does not cover the entire greenhouse I may save up and put in a second halide light depending how the halide works out.

The plants are next to my 360 gallon aquarium that acts like a giant space heater. The area where the plants is actually pretty warm. While I keep my chameleons inside and only put them on the greenhouse plants to free range for watering and feeding.
That is my Parsons under the metal halide. There is no UV danger because the filter is on. If your up set that I've got one I admit that I roled the dice when I purchased him two years ago as a baby. However the place had been selling them consistently for 6 or 7 years with out incident from fish and game and he came with CITES paper work that I took to Fish and Game and they said looked authentic.
Its Not the fact that you have one its your husbandry that is the problem.
Parsons dont like bright light they live in the understory of the forest and dont bask in direct sunlight much if any. Parsons are a rare and delicate species that deserve a well suited enclosure to mimic their natural habitat.

The metal halide is a bad idea for any cham. way too hot for a basking light and no uv.
When the metal halide goes in the greenhouse it is going to be on a timer and will only be on for 2 to 3 hours for basking in the morning. As for the Parson if he is free ranging or in his cage he has enough places where he can rest that won't expose him to UV rays during the 2 to 3 hours in the morning. You are wrong to think that Parsons do not bask mine does not stretch out in the sun like a panther, however, in the morning he sits under the Zoo med tubes every morning for UV requirements for an hour or two then spends the rest of the day walking around his cage or resting in the shade. This species I think mostly habitats the crowns of large trees and does not live in the understory, as seen with their long tails designed for life above ground. A species that lives near the ground would be Critatus as shown with their lack of a long tail. The long tail is a sign of crown or canopy living as seen in Bifidus, Balteatus, Oweni and others and Parsons have got a long tail. Plus when free ranging in the greenhouse my Parsons behavior supports this as he regularly stays in the tree crowns or higher in the branches. As for the halide bulb there is a bulb that is compatible with my metal halide system that is UV appropriate for reptiles , from a source recommended from others on this forum and is normally used for reptiles for zoos. My metal halide runs unbelievably cool and puts out heat just a bit more noticeable than tube lights.
I'm in a position that if I'm not pleased with the metal halide being used as a morning source of UV requirements for my chameleons I can put the glass filter panel on instead of the UV friendly panel or remove the halide system all together. I have got a UVB meter and am considering buying a UVA meter as well to monitor the greenhouse light. The system you are looking at emits no UVB as indicated with my meter.

Todnedo you have got nice Parsons photos by the way. I'm experienced with chameleons and have been working with them since 1994. Thanks for the heads up though.
The halide is not going to be on top of the Parsons cage it is going to be above the misting system meaning the light is going to be more filtered.

If the UV readings from the metal halide are lower than the readings emitted by the sun during the day the chameleons are going to be OK.
Can I come live with you? I would love to have a greenhouse but at the temp we get here it can never happen. I would also love a parson's but am afraid I might not know enough to properly care for it & won't take a chance of killing one of those lovely chameleons that belong with people like you who give them excellent care.

Great job with the wonderful greenhouse, it makes me green with envy.:(
The halide is not going to be on top of the Parsons cage it is going to be above the misting system meaning the light is going to be more filtered.

If the UV readings from the metal halide are lower than the readings emitted by the sun during the day the chameleons are going to be OK.

This is not true, it is the dangerous UVC you need to be concerned about.

That is unless you are using a Mega-Ray® Metal Halide UVB bulb , or is that just a standard MH or Grow MH? The UVC without the filter will kill your chameleon.

I think the green house is great! I envy you . I wish I had the space to do that. Looks cold out there right now.
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If you plan on removing the uv glass on the metal halide you will bilnd your chams with the dangerous amount of uv emitted by that lamp.
I would use one of these if your hell bent on using MH lamps.

Sorry I missed this. I guess we are on the same page.

I'm in a position that if I'm not pleased with the metal halide being used as a morning source of UV requirements for my chameleons I can put the glass filter panel on instead of the UV friendly panel or remove the halide system all together. I have got a UVB meter and am considering buying a UVA meter as well to monitor the greenhouse light. The system you are looking at emits no UVB as indicated with my meter.

Todnedo you have got nice Parsons photos by the way. I'm experienced with chameleons and have been working with them since 1994. Thanks for the heads up though.

Better get a UVC meter as well, This is going to get expensive.
This is not true, it is the dangerous UVC you need to be concerned about.

That is unless you are using a Mega-Ray® Metal Halide UVB bulb , or is that just a standard MH or Grow MH? The UVC without the filter will kill your chameleon.

I think the green house is great! I envy you . I wish I had the space to do that. Looks cold out there right now.

Not to mention the huge amount of UVA metal halide's produce.
Actually the metal halide light is going to be directly over the gravel path in the greenhouse. When mounted in the greenhouse the light should have range of about 8 foot by 6 foot and only indirect rays will make it to the cage.

As far as UVC rays, I'm making a call from the office tomorrow and am going to consult the people at Reptile UV. I sent him an Email a month ago and he wrote back saying that he thinks he has something that will work for my greenhouse.

My understanding for now is with the glass filter panel on all UV rays are blocked and without the panel UV rays are a (UVC rays) legitimate problem.

My greenhouse actually goes through about three to four months of cold/freezing temperature quite well as it has a propane heater on a thermostat inside. For people in colder areas I would look into sun rooms, they look like a half greenhouse and half extension to the main house. I have seen plant collectors use them instead of greenhouses in the coldest areas. Plus being almost part of the house they are easy to monitor. When the sun is out the greenhouse warms up very quickly and stay relatively warm with just sunlight alone.
This is way too confusing.. what MH are you using for a couple of hours? with or without the UV panel? You seem to be all over the place.

Are you using a ReptileUV MH?

Please specify which MH you are talking about. Because if you are using the grow light type MH without a cover at any time I have to say you are a moron. I don't care if you have distance or whatever... why risk it? 'im only gonna open the reactor for a sec... i should be only affected mildly by the radioactive radiation....ill be fine.'
Sorry to ask question guys. I am new to Parsonii and pro equiment like u guys have. May I ask what is MH????
I'm not using a metal halide for reptiles, I just have got one over my plants until the greenhouse is ready (with a cover on). However I've been researching eventually using one as a source of UV inside the greenhouse when everything is going good.

MH stands for metal halide and it is a kind of light.
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