Pitin Cham


I did not see where you had posted in the forum for help but this would be a good idea. While you have main lighting you do not have T5HO UVB lighting that I could find in any of your pictures. This is extremely important for their health.
I did not see where you had posted in the forum for help but this would be a good idea. While you have main lighting you do not have T5HO UVB lighting that I could find in any of your pictures. This is extremely important for their health.
U right I don't ha a T5 Ho. Because I have a full spectrum grow light with 13.0 uvb and 15 to 20 Baskin Plus is a grow light helps with the plants 2. And. I have a 10.0 uvb and to order the little ones 0.3 uvb. For all 5 cages. That's meens the full spectrum cover all the room plus ... Not necessary have a T5 ho. When I have a full spectrum grow light I know that because I a farmer of medical marijuana... And I been working with this light from 2014 ... PLU I made my research and my solar lights tester said in side the cage 0.3 to .4 uvb out side is 7 and on the room is 7 to 9 Uvb power
U right I don't ha a T5 Ho. Because I have a full spectrum grow light with 13.0 uvb and 15 to 20 Baskin Plus is a grow light helps with the plants 2. And. I have a 10.0 uvb and to order the little ones 0.3 uvb. For all 5 cages. That's meens the full spectrum cover all the room plus ... Not necessary have a T5 ho. When I have a full spectrum grow light I know that because I a farmer of medical marijuana... And I been working with this light from 2014 ... PLU I made my research and my solar lights tester said in side the cage 0.3 to .4 uvb out side is 7 and on the room is 7 to 9 Uvb power
So unfortunately that is not going to put out the UVI needed for a chameleon. They need a 3.0 UVI level at their basking branch. Compact UVB bulbs do not have the depth needed especially when you add in the layer of screen in between. Anything above a 6.0 UVI level is not advised for chameleons to be exposed to.

This may help you visually see the differences in types of UV lighting and why T5HO is the standard of care with a 5.0 or 6% uvb bulb.

Without the correct UVI exposure they develop MBD along with other health issues. UVI levels need to be correct because this allows for D3 synthesis and calcium absorption.

Full spectrum grow lighting has the UVA wavelength and is also good because this helps with regulatory behaviors such as feeding. However grow lights do not include the UVB wavelength only the visible wavelength like UVA. Which is why we use them for plants on cages.

Should you decide you would like help please post a thread. I will not comment further.
So unfortunately that is not going to put out the UVI needed for a chameleon. They need a 3.0 UVI level at their basking branch. Compact UVB bulbs do not have the depth needed especially when you add in the layer of screen in between. Anything above a 6.0 UVI level is not advised for chameleons to be exposed to.

This may help you visually see the differences in types of UV lighting and why T5HO is the standard of care with a 5.0 or 6% uvb bulb.

Without the correct UVI exposure they develop MBD along with other health issues. UVI levels need to be correct because this allows for D3 synthesis and calcium absorption.

Full spectrum grow lighting has the UVA wavelength and is also good because this helps with regulatory behaviors such as feeding. However grow lights do not include the UVB wavelength only the visible wavelength like UVA. Which is why we use them for plants on cages.

Should you decide you would like help please post a thread. I will not comment further.

I do have a uvi and uvb on it. Trying to send you the pictures

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Giselle and Vela New double cage
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Pitin Cham
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motorola moto g play - 2023
Focal length
3.4 mm
Exposure time
1/17 second(s)
File size
4 MB
Date taken
Fri, 15 November 2024 4:46 PM
4656px x 3504px

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