nick barta
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  • Hey nick I'm not sure what I should get my Cham but need something he eats a lot of wax worms and little crickets what could you recommend me trying
    Hey man, you still selling stick and leaf insects? Price list? Thanks!
    nick barta
    nick barta
    My ad is on chameleon forum, under Classifieds, Feeders, "Feeders for Happy Chameleons."
    Thanks Nick, I see that my package has been shipped promptly as you said, much appreciated!
    Hey Nick just making sure you received payment for the large cricket feeder via pay pal. Let me know on here or email me thanks. Can't wait to try it out!
    Nilsa, I have a waiting list on Pink-wings and Indians, do you want me to put you down for both? I have Philippinicum leafs available.
    Nilsa, the Pink Wing Sticks will house with the Indians. Leaf insects need to be separate from sticks
    Nick what are pink wing leafs and can they be housed with Indian sticks cause I want some cheers
    Hi nick Nilsa here my baby did not eat the dubias but my nefews bearded loved them guess I'll wait till he gets a little bigger and give it another shot ty
    nick barta
    nick barta
    Their tastes change, took me a long time to like broccoli....
    I'll try again in a lil while I kept the banana roaches maybe he'll like those better
    Hey Nick, are u a supplier of cricket crack. I live in BC and would appreciate some. Thanx so much.
    Nick, are you still breeding the sticks?
    nick barta
    nick barta
    Yep, Pink-wing, Leafs, and Australians available right now.


    Vegas Chad
    Vegas Chad
    Nice... Would you be able to shoot me a message to wazio88-at-yahoo-dot-com ?
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