Differentialis are legal. Aphis is hard for me to understand as far as whether that means i still need a certificate to ship them because idk if they are still considered a pest under different circumstances. Grasshoppers of any sort have just recently been okayed to ship at all from what i know
you are pretty much doing what you are supposed to. I would order a full extra set of hoppers and use them as your breeders. I am currently using around 20 individuals. It sounds like the babies went through diapause on their own. The ova they hatch from won't hatch super fast 30 days is a...
Ive had some great success with breeding the differentialis. They aren't super picky with the foods i have offered. I offer lettuces, mustards, kale, clover, and pea sprouts. What are you struggling with? Might be able to help before sauceghandi gets here
This is mostly a question for @SauceGandhi but generally anyone who sells their grasshoppers in the US is welcome. Whith differentialis species i imagine from the way they are laying for me right now even with diapause i will have more than i can feed off with my invert eaters. Does shipping...
I feel like when they are sick they tend to run lower than higher too. They stick in their basking level and uvb a lot more.
Also recommend taking your boys out on a sunny day if you can @Dexter’s Mom sunshine has always done wonders when my babies get sick.
I have also had some very special individuals too that needed... different care than the norm. But they weren't veileds. But i get what you ment before where it can be on a cham to cham basis. Its hard to know what is good for your individual sometimes. But i think from your explanation he was...
If he wasn't showing signs of illness before i would say you were doing fine especially since he went down hill so fast. I have had a couple veileds and even rehabbed very sick veileds on this type of schedule. They all did just fine. Also they get ouside time when we get a change and if...
You are so welcome. You shouldnt have any issue finding bulbs for reptiles. I don't at least. You may not need 75 watts i have currently reduced to 60 watts because its been summer but i live in cali
I actually use reptile basking lamps. I had an issue finding 75 watt for the longest time inbetween. Lemme.... zoomed is usually what i use now a days.
Oh lord temp numbers are a thing i havent looked at in a while. I use a 75 watt incandscent and unless the inside of the house is below 60 or above 80 i don't really worry about his heat levels. It keeps him around 85. But he has plenty of ways to escape the heat. The basking spot is the only...
So think of it like this veileds are pretty much tanks. They are probably the most adpative cham available to us. Maybe in the world. But also i wouldnt say to go off and do silly stuff. Their humidity definitely needs to be higher at night but they won't die if it isn't and are actually far...