Recent content by Chamfan1

  1. C

    Pixel the Panther Chameleon is Sick :(

    My Gecko had the same thing on his mouth and he stopped eating. Go see the veterinarian when I went he gave me 2 medications. He got better but then eventually died:( Hope I helped
  2. C

    Which one is easier to care for between a veiled female and male

    I want to go with a girl but im scared of early death or the Gravid thing cause my Gecko died tragically and I don't want it to happen again. Because like they said sometimes the gravid thing is a disadvantage. Thanks again
  3. C


    Thats great I'm very happy for you and Zelda. Before my Gecko died I knew he was about to die so it was sad. And he had many ups and downs, and when he would be better I was so happy it was almost unreal. Good Job, you saved her life. Im sure if she could she would say thanks.
  4. C

    Which one is easier to care for between a veiled female and male

    Thanks Some people say that no, a female is easier to take care of, other say that a male is easier to take care of. So i'm hoping I'll get help from lots of other people, but thanks Chamoman. Your point about the gravid thing is a good point. I'll keep that in mind.
  5. C

    Which one is easier to care for between a veiled female and male

    Im trying to buy a Chameleon. Is a male Veiled Chameleon easier to care for then a female Veiled Chameleon, or is it the opposite?
  6. C

    Choosing between a Panther Chameleon or a Veiled Chameleon

    Thank you I didn't think I would get so much help. Thank you sooo much!
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    good for you Im very happy for you. Congrats!
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    Choosing between a Panther Chameleon or a Veiled Chameleon

    thanks Wow! Thank you you guys are helping me a lot I appreciate it!
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    Choosing between a Panther Chameleon or a Veiled Chameleon

    Thanks Thanks that's very useful. I appreciate it a lot. Thanks again I live in a area that can be chilly in winter with the snow and the wind, so should I buy one even though I might not have the ideal weather for him, that he has in his natural habitat?
  10. C

    Choosing between a Panther Chameleon or a Veiled Chameleon

    Lately I've been looking for a pet Chameleon. I'm searching a lot about the two Chameleons but can't seem to find the best one that would be the easiest to take care of. I'm generally looking for the one thats the lowest maintenance and does the nicest colours (but I mainly care more about which...
  11. C

    FINALLY got my very first cham!!!

    thanks I don't know if were I live is a very good place and weather for them. I live in Edmonton, AB, Can... and it can be a bit chilly in winter with the snow and all. So... obviously I won't bring him to close to a window but I need some peoples advice. Should I bye one? And congrats for...
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    FINALLY got my very first cham!!!

    Your so lucky im planning on bying one I just need to choose between a panther cham or a veiled cham. I want to go with the one easiest to care for that grows the less big and one that can eat a bit of lettuce like that when I leave on vacations I dont have to worry about the amount of insects I...
  13. C

    Zelda is ALMOST Back to Herself :-)

    I'm very sorry for you, I had a Leopard Gecko he had probably about the same thing. If you live sometimes in a cold area maybe close to a window that can be bad for her. I handled my Gecko a bit to roughly and to much and I recently learned that, that was one of his causes to die. Also, keep him...
  14. C

    Getting ready for bed?

    Thanks sorry for all the weird questions
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