Recent content by dilbert

  1. D

    whats the best

    what i meant by i couldnt find it on google is that i can only be on the comp for about an hour aday because i have work and i also ahve other animals to care for. if you didnt know im 15 and i work 2 jobs. so im busy alot of the time and if im not busy im taking care of my animals or doing hw
  2. D

    whats the best

    i was just shortening it down like how people say chevy not chevrolet. so dont jump on me so quick. i was just wanting to know some info that i couldnt find ongoogle searchs.
  3. D

    whats the best

    ok so are panthers and veils able to be handled. and when they get aggresive do they bite or what i know my firend has an igg and it hurts when he wipps. also will they primarly feed on crickets. my mom says i need to find out everything before i get one. by the way im 15 work two part time...
  4. D

    whats the best

    hello every body i have always wanted a chameleon i finaly have te cage and the money to have one and iw as wondering what you guys thought would be the best beginer chameleon. also what would be some good care sheets and what are somethings i am going to need. also ive heard that they hate...
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