Recent content by IanGlo

  1. IanGlo

    What is a safe silicone spray sealant to make the enclosure of the china cabinet waterproof as I am making my chameleon a new enclosure?

    I would guess if it is marked food grade or for aquariums it's pretty inert and safe. Fish don't do well with chemicals either. Does it need to be silicone? I bet there's some stuff purpose built for reptile enclosures.
  2. IanGlo

    Fungus gnats ,will mosquito bits help?

    Mosquito bits totally work for fungus gnats. I just sprinkle some right on top of the plant soil and they work when you water them. I haven't really had to re-apply after a year or more of doing it so far and we have probably upwards of 50 house plants including the ones in Mr Puff's habitat.
  3. IanGlo

    New Wilbanks homeostatic incubators

    I hadn't considered the cooling part to drop below room temp. They do look pretty slick. It would be hard to match with the kit-bash list I was thinking of.
  4. IanGlo

    Country wide shortage of distilled water???

    Has anyone had trouble running reverse osmosis water? I get about 10-18 ppm with my meter coming out of my system. I haven't had any issues yet, but my mist heads also come off pretty easy if i ever need to clean them with vinegar.
  5. IanGlo

    New Wilbanks homeostatic incubators

    Holy smokes. The smallest one is a grand ($995). I've seen a lot of people successfully use plastic tubs and a closet or dresser drawer. I'm thinking this might be what I do if I ever decide to incubate some eggos with technology: Find an old dorm fridge or cabinet cut small holes for...
  6. IanGlo

    An update on my/my animals lives 😎

    Wow your chams are huge! :D
  7. IanGlo

    How to get your chameleon to like dubia roaches [VIDEO]

    Thanks for this. I've been dealing with it for a few months now. The only way I've been able to get Mr. Puff to eat dubias anymore is to release them on a branch and chase them back and forth with the tongs and it can take a while. Otherwise he just sits and watches the dubias like TV for hours...
  8. IanGlo

    Bask life

    Mr Puff just chilling. Looks super cozy there.
  9. IanGlo

    Looking for branches for cage setup

    If you're interested in harvesting your own look for sticks and branches that have lost their bark or have easy to remove bark and vary the branch thickness so your guy has some perch options that fit his feets. My boy eats the bark and I heard that can be risky on this forum. I ended up using...
  10. IanGlo

    Can Jamaican field crickets eat dill?

    That's surprising. I thought crickets could consume just about anything. I've even seen them stand over a line of small ants eating them as they walk by. Dill sounds like an easy one to replace, but have you had any success with crickets eating just the bee pollen? If not, I'd do another test...
  11. IanGlo

    My Chameleon will only drink water from spray bottle.

    Heh. This is great. I rarely ever see Mr. Puff drink and I'm always concerned for his hydration. Though he wouldn't have made it this far if he wasn't drinking secretly and his doos have a nice flat white colored urate. I tried to use a spray bottle several times and he acts like it's acid.
  12. IanGlo

    fungas gnats

    We use mosquito bits or dunks to keep them out of our house plants. It's supposed to be safe for wildlife and pets. It contains some kind of bacteria that kills the larvae. It also kills fungus gnats (white flies). You can sprinkle them onto the soil and it works when you water or mix it in with...
  13. IanGlo

    Transition from juvenile to adult feeder question

    That's a handsome one you got there :D
  14. IanGlo

    Male or female....again

    I found my post with the male hints:
  15. IanGlo

    Disgusting YouTube video...

    Looks like that youtube poster is getting roasted in the comments. Nearly 100% of them are about how the cham is being mistreated. I would guess the poster doesn't know anything about chams or reptiles. If they didn't know before, they should know now.
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