Recent content by Jaiden Jordan

  1. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    Looking at a sambava panther chameleon anyone here have one of those or experience with them
  2. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    I have never had a bad experience with petco from dragons,to fish, plants,rodents,snakes. Only thing I don’t like is my petco keeps 2-3 at a time in a 2x1x1 have never seen them active always dark coloring they use coconut coir with some rock mix for substrate very small and sad enclosure for...
  3. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    I’m open to getting a panther chameleon I’ll just have to read forums again on their care instead of veiled are panthers “better” or are the colors the selling point?
  4. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    When I went onto their social media pages to leave my experience they deleted all my comments and blocked me so I’m guessing that’s why you dont see bad reviews
  5. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    NOPE that’s where yoshi came from paid all this extra for shipping conditions and no care or even an ounce of thought went into the packaging. he came in such a small container that came with a completely dry coffee filter shredded pieces of paper in a ball with ink on it I was expecting a...
  6. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    I didn’t have this pdf but I did watch their YouTube video going over this guide also mixed in a couple of things from Neptune the chameleon and magickal chams via YouTube while building the cage. Thanks for the copy of the guide will definitively use it for my next Cham
  7. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    Once again thanks for everything going to do some digging around here I will be back tomorrow or Saturday with pictures of new setup. Everyone stay safe👍
  8. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    This is yoshi the first day I got him (jul 28 on my gf and I 4 year anniversary) he passed about 2 hours ago turned black tale and legs went stiff turned very light green lips ghost white with mouth stuck open. Thanks for all the help if you all could stick around this thread for the next two...
  9. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    Ok thank you. Also is that cage too small for an adult veiled? if I remember correctly the video I watched from chameleon academy said panthers and bigger chameleons need minimum 4ftx4ftx4ft but with veiled you can get away with 2x2x4 so i went 3x2x3 ft,from floor to top of cage is 6.25ft
  10. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    I agree, that was my girlfriends touch I had already stressed to her about that and taken out a lot I will 100 percent take out all fake plants cause I actually did see him nip at it but did not eat it definitely could’ve when I was not around. So I will transplant everything with organic soil...
  11. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    Thanks for the resources and answers. I got all my humidity,misting schedules and lighting strengths from the YouTube channel chameleon academy followed everything but now that I’m thinking about it the chameleon was a lot bigger in size and they said if top is screen go 10.0 since mesh absorbs...
  12. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    Temps 90 flat 3 inch above basking spot so I’m assuming high 80s on the branch itself, cool side of the cage fluctuates 70-75F depending on house temp and at night time the whole cage sits at 70-72.5F
  13. J

    Why is my veiled hatchling/juvenile on deaths door?

    Not new to reptiles just getting back in the hobby but very new to chameleons. I’ll start with my supplies and enclosure. Enclosure:36Lx20Wx36H all screen pvc bare bottom drilled holes for drainage bought clear polycarbonate roof panels to seal front bottom and other portions for humidity...
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