Thank you, I will remove his red light and I will start shopping around and find him a terrarium for better ventilation. Do you have any idea what would cause his skin to get like that? Is there a certain kind of neosporin I should use? Also, do chams ever need to get their nails trimmed? Thanks ;)
Thank you for your reply, here is my form and pictures will be posted soon.
My Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon: Veiled Chameleon. Male. Around a year and a half old.
Handling: I handle him around once a week, I take him outside during the summer about every other week to let him enjoy...
I definitely will. I will also take some pictures of my set up.
His cage has no real plants, only fake. They were all bought from petco or local pet shops. Some stand on the ground and some suction cup to the side. He also has 3 branches to climb on that were also bought from a local pet...
Thank you for your reply! No I did not finish all of the antibiotics. They gave me a large amount and told me that he only needed to take .02 every other day for 10 days. I quit giving it to him after 10 days and there was still a good amount left.
Thank you so much for your reply.
I did not have time to take pictures this morning but I plan on going home during lunch to take some so I will have them up in around 2 hours.
It was my first experience with a sperm plug. I was not 100% sure of what it was. I soaked him in warm water, it...
Hello there chameleon friends,
I could really use some advice about my veiled chameleon, he is a male and he is about a year and a half old. This morning I woke up and noticed that he has a puffy spot on his front left arm, right above the place that his arm meets his front hand. It is a...
I did as you said and soaked his tail in luke warm water for 10 minutes. I then gently tried to pull on it and remove it. It was very long, I could not see the end of it and I could not pull it out easily so I assumed it was...
About three days ago I noticed that my boy veiled chameleon had something hanging out of his bottom. He has never had this before, but I figured it was just dried up poop that hadn't fallen off yet.
When I got home from work today it was still there. It is yellowish brown, kinda hard and...
Hi there :)
I own a baby veiled chameleon and I was wondering...
a) what watt light bulb should I buy for his red night time heat light?
b) what watt light bulb should I buy for his day time heat lamp?
I just wanted to let you all know I took my baby Claude to the vet and they told me he has an eye infection & upper respiratory infection. They gave me antibiotics and said he should be back to normal in two weeks :) Thank you for all the help and advice!!!
I just wanted to let you all know I took my baby Claude to the vet and they told me he has an eye infection & upper respiratory infection. They gave me antibiotics and said he should be back to normal in two weeks :) Thank you for all the help and advice!!!
I just wanted to let you all know I took my baby Claude to the vet and they told me he has an eye infection & upper respiratory infection. They gave me antibiotics and said he should be back to normal in two weeks :) Thank you for all the help and advice!