Recent content by MantisFTW

  1. MantisFTW

    Exo Terra enclosures for panthers? And a re-purposed Petco habitat?

    So, long story long.... A Petco in the next town over was replacing their habitats. We got the tip from a buddy, and went to go pick up their old "iguana" enclosure. Now we are trying to figure out what to put in it. Its a pretty sweet huge enclosure, approx the same size as a 36x36x18 Exo...
  2. MantisFTW

    Lost and found: Need identification, sexing, advice

    Update: Bobby has his Masoala back and I have this new beautiful beast! Still cant decide on a name... considering Motley, Smudge, or anything new that comes up that I like. I like artsy names for chams lol. :rolleyes: He sure does have a big personality!! We are going to work on the...
  3. MantisFTW

    Lost and found: Need identification, sexing, advice

    He is getting some good eats in his setup now! We are going to try and meet for this Saturday. I'm super excited for the new panther I'll be getting. :)
  4. MantisFTW

    Lost and found: Need identification, sexing, advice

    Ive messaged Bobby the addess he was found on. I wasnt technically the one who found him, a lady near Youngsville did and she contacted Petsmart. Petsmart then contacted me knowing that I am the "local chameleon person", and I met with the lady and picked him up from there. I live in Scott, and...
  5. MantisFTW

    Lost and found: Need identification, sexing, advice

    Ive contacted Bobby. :) This is great news! I am only slightly disappointed I couldnt keep him! He is a beautiful and unique one hahahaha. This is probably just as well though because I would have named him something dumb like Kringle, he looks like a walking Christmas decoration! :ROFLMAO: I...
  6. MantisFTW

    Lost and found: Need identification, sexing, advice

    I live in Louisiana. He was found in the Lafayette/Youngsville area. I can't imagine where he would have come from. We don't have a huge cham community here and given his rare locale and overall health, someone knew what they were doing. It wasn't just some kids escaped or released pet, I'm...
  7. MantisFTW

    Lost and found: Need identification, sexing, advice

    I got a call from a lady that said that she just found this chameleon walking around in her yard. We agree to meet so that I can pick him up and take him home. She sent me a few pictures prior, and I instantly thought female just judging from the colors. Ive only ever dealt with ambilobe...
  8. MantisFTW

    Thoughts on the Chameleon Cantina?

    Yes, that is important to know too. I take apart and clean mine about every two weeks or so and run it under hot water, get inside the tube too. Must be serialized and not just change the water.
  9. MantisFTW

    Thoughts on the Chameleon Cantina?

    Were talking about the drinking fountain, not the biobubble. Ive heard that its not really that great though. Thats not really true about the cantina. I clean mine but maybe once a week or so. Chams dont poop in it, theres hardly room for them to poop in it because it has a hood. They would...
  10. MantisFTW

    Thoughts on the Chameleon Cantina?

    Just wanted to give an update on how the Cantina has been working for me since I got it. It really is wonderful, as the above poster said, it reduces misting time by half because now I only have to mist to keep up humidity. No more fussing with a dripper and more importantly no more fussing...
  11. MantisFTW

    Rate my gutload!

    What exactly do you mean by its not a gut load? I know you elaborated, but Im still a bit confused. Is it not good enough to be considered a nutritional diet to the cham? I definitely dont want to be spending this much money on plain cricket feed, if this isnt good enough to be considered a gut...
  12. MantisFTW

    Rate my gutload!

    Hello all, I am changing things up a bit from my usual gutload. I went to my local drug store and picked up a bunch of powders to mix into one big dry cricket gutload. I just ordered some water crystals too for hydration. I got the idea from someone in another cham group thats been doing this...
  13. MantisFTW

    New Cham from Paradise Chameleons

    I got a holdback boy from Paradise about a month ago. His sire is 24K and dams sire was Cowboy I believe. They have some real stunners. Hes only about 5 months old with these colors, I cant wait until he blooms even more. I named him Kaleido.
  14. MantisFTW

    Supplements Help!

    Okay, so what Ive gotten from this and other sources is: Use Miner-All INDOOR every feeding that he is inside, use Miner-All OUTDOOR every feeding hes outside, and use the Rep-cal Herptivite multivitamin 2x month. OR Use Repashy Calcium Plus every feeding and use Rep-cal Calcium with D3 2x...
  15. MantisFTW

    Supplements Help!

    Okay. I want to make sure im doing this right now. Supplements have always been confusing for me especially with all the different kinds out there. Ive been given different information from just about everywhere. I know I have mixed up my poor guys supplements at least a few times now. I have...
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