Recent content by Mendez

  1. Mendez

    2025 - What’re Your Plans?

    Great goals! Can't wait to see some new cham x greenhouse pics from you! Where would you be getting farm raised matschei from? Is Tanzania reopening?
  2. Mendez

    Happy birthday…

    Went to the aquarium of the pacific the other day with my parents and brother and got to see their new frog exhibit! If you're in the Long Beach/ Los Angeles area, I highly recommend checking it out! They even had golden mantellas which are from Madagascar. The two images below are of the...
  3. Mendez

    Happy birthday…

    Thank you everyone!! I think I said this last year, but I hope to be more active on the forums this year. You guys are literally saving cham lives, so hopefully I be on to make your lives a little easier (and more fun ;)).
  4. Mendez

    Millipede infestation

    I used to use these millipedes as part of my clean up crew. They will eat leaf litter and chameleon poop just like any other springtail or isopod. Basically any small critter will fill the clean up crew role if the niche is open in your cage. If you want to help prevent an infestation or...
  5. Mendez

    Buffers for heat fixtures

    How cold is "cold"? Veiled chameleons are montane chameleons and can take cold nights. But to answer your question, I've used a variety of methods to lift up a fixture off the top of an enclosure. I've created an arm out of pvc that lifts the fixture up. Essentially it was a square frame with 4...
  6. Mendez

    New Brookesia owner. Please help with ID and any tips and tricks for acclimation

    Sorry for your losses. It's always tough losing babies. Luckily this year I didn't incur any losses with my pygmies. All 5 Brookesia superciliaris are subadults now. May I ask why you chose perlite to incubate the eggs? While perlite and vermiculite look similar, they act very differently. In...
  7. Mendez

    New Brookesia owner. Please help with ID and any tips and tricks for acclimation

    You can put a slice of banana in with the babies and hope to draw in small flies while you wait for food. When this years Brookesia supercilaris hatched, they were also a surprise. Luckily I had some fungats gnats in there for them to eat. They went 3 or 4 days without me supplying vendor-bought...
  8. Mendez

    Market for CB Parsons

    @Action Jackson would be the best person to ask
  9. Mendez

    Brookesia (Brygooi) Care/Breeding

    Those are some really nice individuals! Looks like @javadi already got you squared away with the podcasts.
  10. Mendez

    CBB Furcifer willsii

    Fantastic work man! Glad to see you having so much success with willsii! What are your night temperatures looking like?
  11. Mendez

    Wanted to share the nursery cages that I have designed for individual raising :)

    Nice work! This is going to be a game-changer for many keepers. Now there's no excuse for raising up babies in groups. Aside from this being an absolutely amazing cage. I wonder if people would also be more willing to use these cages as displays at reptile expos. Small, easy to move. Bye bye...
  12. Mendez

    More Baby Pygmy Chameleons!

    Good to see you back on the forums! Update on the babies: they are growing up nicely! I'll try to get more pics of them this week to share here on the forums. They're on 1/8th inch crickets now :)
  13. Mendez

    Feeder Run Recommendation

    It's called a reptibreeze because it's a breeze for crickets to escape. I've had crickets and even full-grown dubia roaches escape my reptibreezes before.
  14. Mendez

    Feeder Run Recommendation

    Sometimes the calcium dust that we use to powder the crickets can come off when dumping in the crickets. This creates a thin layer of dust over time that crickets can climb on and eventually get out. You could try rinsing out the feeder run and see if that helps. Crickets usually don't jump...
  15. Mendez

    Feeder Run Recommendation

    If you have dragon ledges in your dragonstrand enclosure, you can secure the normal PVC feeder runs to the ledges by drilling a hole through the feeder run and then using thick jewelry wire to run through the hole and around the ledge. I got mine from full-throttle feeders. You will need a drill...
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