Recent content by pacificreefdeity

  1. P

    Hunger Strike, 5 month old F. pardalis male, please help!

    Also, I've noticed that when he leaves the top of the tree after a basking session, he sometimes does the "rocking-walk". I've read that this is a stressed behavior. Furthermore, he did something strange when I offered him a grasshopper with the feeding tongs. He wandered straight over to...
  2. P

    Hunger Strike, 5 month old F. pardalis male, please help!

    Hello again, everyone. I made an earlier post regarding my wandering male panther (see post : "Is my wandering panther chameleon stressed out?"). As a recap, he was housed on an unscreened/ unenclosed Ficus tree in a tall glazed pot. After about 1.5 months of cricket crunching and three...
  3. P

    Is my wandering panther chameleon stressed out?

    Forgot to mention that there is a 24" ProLumen LED Daylight 8000K strip mounted on the windowsill near the pot to provide extra illumination the smaller plants in the pot. It produces no heat.
  4. P

    Is my wandering panther chameleon stressed out?

    Hello! This is my first post on the forums. I have a 4.5 month old "blue bar" Ambiliobe panther chameleon from FL Chams. Supposedly, he is Hunter's offspring. He lives in a 6' tall potted ficus tree in a tall glazed pot. He is not enclosed in any type of cage. Roaming surface is 52" x...
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