Also, I've noticed that when he leaves the top of the tree after a basking session, he sometimes does the "rocking-walk". I've read that this is a stressed behavior.
Furthermore, he did something strange when I offered him a grasshopper with the feeding tongs. He wandered straight over to...
Hello again, everyone. I made an earlier post regarding my wandering male panther (see post : "Is my wandering panther chameleon stressed out?"). As a recap, he was housed on an unscreened/ unenclosed Ficus tree in a tall glazed pot. After about 1.5 months of cricket crunching and three...
Forgot to mention that there is a 24" ProLumen LED Daylight 8000K strip mounted on the windowsill near the pot to provide extra illumination the smaller plants in the pot. It produces no heat.
This is my first post on the forums. I have a 4.5 month old "blue bar" Ambiliobe panther chameleon from FL Chams. Supposedly, he is Hunter's offspring. He lives in a 6' tall potted ficus tree in a tall glazed pot. He is not enclosed in any type of cage. Roaming surface is 52" x...