Recent content by pierce1987

  1. P

    Advice needed.

    I honestly don’t think she is. I think I over panicked and we were at the start of the whole process. After reading all of the advice and info I think she is at the looking for a mate stage. Yes she is a little round. But she isn’t lumpy. She is very active most of her time is up high. She is...
  2. P

    Advice needed.

    She has started to eat and drink normally again with a change of food. I put a cover around the enclosure to give her privacy but she becomes stressed and scratches at the glass to get out of the cover is there. So the last thing I want to do is cause her stress. So not sure what to do...
  3. P

    Advice needed.

    She has started to eat and drink normally again with a change of food. I put a cover around the enclosure to give her privacy but she becomes stressed and scratches at the glass to get out of the cover is there. So the last thing I want to do is cause her stress. So not sure what to do...
  4. P

    Advice needed.

    She will only eat silk worms. She has gone right off crickets and locusts. Something this is ok or should I switch up the worms to a different one. morio Worms she won’t eat rather. Think she is going for smaller objects over bigger food sources.
  5. P

    Advice needed.

    Just wanted to update. I changed the lay bin and set up today. And soon as she went in she started to drink. And ate for the first time in 9 Days. Thank you so much for your advice.
  6. P

    Advice needed.

    How come she hasn’t laid in 3 years. Do they not lay every year
  7. P

    Advice needed.

    Thank you. I’ve just ordered a bin and will be trying this tomorrow then she will be left to do her thing. Thank you for the advice.
  8. P

    Advice needed.

    Ah ok I know what they are. So you put the plants and vines in there so she can go in and out of it. And that stays in there permanent?
  9. P

    Advice needed.

    Ok I’ll get a better bin immediately. I’ve watched her digging on the camera. So luckily we haven’t disrupted her she has just done it herself and stopped. She has done it herself. I just don’t want to keep putting bins in and out and changing them all the time. But I’ll give it another go. I...
  10. P

    Advice needed.

    No she hasn’t laid eggs before I have made one. I used an old container which is 9 inches deep by 9 inches by 6inches. The rest of her enclosure is about 8 inches deep with soils. But the lay bin has a mix of sand and soil enough to support a tunnel. The main enclosure is coir soil.
  11. P

    Advice needed.

    She isn’t digging deep but she has been digging in different areas for about 3 days.
  12. P

    Advice needed.

  13. P

    Advice needed.

    Hi everybody, I have had a chameleon since November. She is in a bioactive tank which is 90 cm x 90 cm x 60 cm. The roof of the tank is mesh. She has a heat lamp on a dimmer switch and a large UV strip lamp that goes across the top daytime temperature near the heat lamp is 30° and the humidity...
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