Recent content by rgreen

  1. R

    New Chameleon Owner

    Thank you so very much! I will start working on this asap!! My husband just let me know he bought a GLASS enclosure that is 12x12x24 - so this is still too small? He also said he bought a 60w Zoomed Blue daylight bulb. The T5HO light is only the UVB correct? So I still just need the 2 lights but...
  2. R

    New Chameleon Owner

    Thank you very much! I will certainly look into these links you have provided! Here are 2 pictures. One is the tank that I had initially but I have since removed all water dishes as I ready also that they do not need this. The second picture you can see his mesh enclosure that I have attached...
  3. R

    New Chameleon Owner

    I am new to being an owner of a Veiled Chameleon as of 2.5 weeks ago and I am hoping to get as much information as I possibly can about this little guy! I was very misinformed from the pet store I purchased him from on how to care for him. I barely received simple details such as what he was...
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