Recent content by smiffy6969

  1. S

    Colin.... or is it carla?

    Thats what I thought, I bought HER ;) and was told it was male, but I have been reading a lot lately and thought, I didn't notice anything like that on the heals, took a second look and hey, it's a girl. Not that it changes much, in fact i think I feel a little more protective of her now...
  2. S

    Automatic feeder

    I was thinking exactly the same thing, I was even contemplating putting an IP camera in there so I can check up on my baby when away. Thinking about this more though, I am an electronics engineer/programmer who dabbles in android too, I wonder if an old android phone could be converted, or...
  3. S

    Colin.... or is it carla?

    Hi, I have had colin about three weeks now, he has been amazing with me and the kids handling, loves a good crawl up your arm and very social.... I love the feeding too, it's awesome watching the hunt. So I was told it was a colin at the pet shop, but just lately after reading more about...
  4. S

    hello to everyone

    That's Eleanor..... She does like handling him. She had a leopard gecho for a while but it died bless it. I must say from what I have seen of some chams we have been quite lucky getting a sociable one. He does let you know when he doesn't want handling, he goes very dark and hides, but most of...
  5. S

    hello to everyone

    Just saying hi to everyone really..... New here, had Colin about three weeks now, he is a veiled chameleon, has a great personality. He is about 4 to 6 months old I believe and is extremely friendly, loves being handled. He is on locust and fresh salad, although he doesn't eat a lot of the...
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