I think he looks beautiful, love the picture with his tounge poking out lol. I hope I t’s just the same situation with him and he’s just going to be like that. I’m worried I’m doing something wrong so I’m going to start keeping my window closed all the time and lower basking bulb wattage to see...
I will do it but I’m curious why it matters if I get his fecal test done before or after I move him to his new enclosure. Also what’s the highest you would let the temps get at night I never let them go above 70 and never under 55. I can also start making it a little warmer during the night...
I knew he wouldn’t look like the pictures from where I got him, I’m honestly not even sure if that’s actually his sire it could just be a picture of any chameleon. I don’t mind if he’s just going to look more dull, I’m just concerned if it’s due to something I’m doing wrong. I’m going to go buy...
T5HO 5.0 UVB it is a pretty weird size tho. But I ordered a new 24” light for his bigger enclosure.
This is his current setup but I made a few adjustments. I removed the water bowl at the bottom and added a parlor palm down there. I also removed the one fake plant and put in new live plants. His cage size is 18x18x36, I know it’s too small for his age I messed up but I already have another...
So I’ve had my new male veiled chameleon for a week, and during the day he’s always brown. I’m a little worried, but maybe it’s just him trying to get warmer? The temps during the day are always above 70F, usually around 73F. His basking area temps are usually around 83-87F. I have been giving...
Thank you so much! This
That looks great! Do you know if I would be able to double wide this cage eventually? That would be something I can see myself doing in the feature. I just want him to have the best life he can. Also thank you so much for your responses, it’s good to know I’m doing most...
Does anyone here know if I can put dragon ledges in this cage?
Great idea thank you for the recommendation I will try this out once he is comfortable enough with me to take him out of the cage. I don’t want to be drilling in there while he’s in it. I love your panther btw he looks amazing!
That would be great! I hate having the whole hangar in the enclosure because I don’t use it so it just makes it looks weird. I’m interested to see how you hang the plants on the hook after you screw them into the 1x2.