
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Ambilobe Blue Bar Panther, Male, I think he's about 3-4 months, ive had him for maybe 1-2 weeks.
  • Handling - I don't currently handle him, By people on this forum i've been told hes a little to young and that i should start next week.
  • Feeding - Im feeding him dubia roaches and meal worms as well as crickets. As much as hes willing to eat. On weekends in the morning and on weekdays in the afternoon.? I have been putting food in the bugs cage, im pretty sure that how i gutload them.?
  • Supplements - I use Calcium Supplement and Calcium with D3, and i just dusted my worms this morning.
  • Watering - I use tap water, i don't have an RO converter yet? I mist extremely often to keep humidity up.? I see my chameleon drinking occasionally considering I'm usually out of his sight, im thinking of putting some cabbage in his cage so he can munch on it and get moisture from that.
  • Fecal Description - His consistency is usually just poop, and his urate is white mostly.. No not tested for parasites quite yet.
  • History no real history, i got him like a week ago, he used to fall but only fell 3 times. He doesn't fall anymore.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - My terrarium is screen. Ill put a pic.
  • Lighting - I'm not sure what model i bought it off of someone, i disinfected it a few days before i bought the cham. I use 50 watt because i was consulted that he would be too hot under my 75 watt. and i usually keep my cage lit 8-10 hours a day. OH and i have a florescent UVB bulb.
  • Temperature - I have a thermometer at the bottom and it says about 75 at the bottom, and its about 85-95 at the top.
  • Humidity - I keep misting for humidity, but im not sure how to measure.,
  • Plants - Im using fake plants at the top, but i'm using 1 live one at the bottom and it rises to the top as well. Its a nerium oleander :D?
  • Placement - It's by the door near my closet. I have a ceiling fan, air vent on the other side of the rum. I'm in a neighbor hood, not much noise. Are you talking about people traffic? I have my cage on a table, i think its like a foot from the ground. but from the top it is like, 4 feet?
  • Location - Las Vegas, Nevada.
Jan 22, 1995 (Age: 30)
Las Vegas
Thomas ford
Favorite Species
Panther Ambilobe, Or Parsons
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